[QUOTE="nutcrackr"]I think they will, and they will because games have naturally evolved and I think stepping back to 1996 is going to jolt gamers and reviewers worldwide. Some will love it but some will probably loathe it.biggest_loser
This is correct. Humour is subjective. What is funny to the TC might not be funny to me.Having said that, humour can also date rapidly and I suspect that a lot of the jokes in this game are just going to look stupid because people (and games) have grown up. Games, in particular their narratives, are increasingly more sophisticated now. The depth and characterisation of something like Bioshock leaves Duke for dead.
It might intend to be cheesy but it doesn't mean that people are going to like it.
Its going to be a step backwards for games as a lot of developers have worked hard to emphasise the importance of characterisation and narrative quality in recent years and quite successfully. It makes games more involving and personal and rewarding (in my opinion)
duke doesnt need narrative, it has timeless catch phrases and attitude which outlasted every game since then
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