Hello everyone,
I want to buy a new GPU, because right now the new game play very poorly, "especially Assassins Creed 4 which will be my exemple for this post"
I have a DP55kg motherboard, a corei5 2.67ghz CPU and a hd4850 GPU
I want to buy a gtx760 because there is a lot of great feedback on that card, i see that both my cpu and mobo support the card, and i never had any bottleneck problem with my cpu, would buying that card allow me to play with mostly high to max settings with good fps?
As of now, i play with mostly everything on high "dx9" except environment on medium and i have avg of 30fps, if i increase environment to high i drop to 20-22fps because of all that folliage.
My hope is to play with mostly high-max"dx11" especially environment with a resolution of 1360x768 with great fps!
Hopefully, you guys can help me out XD
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