The game has been casualized to hilarity. I actually got back into WoW not long ago. Spent the money on MoP and all. Leveling was and still is fun that I will say.
But the end game has been destroyed. No longer must you work towards gearing you character out. In the old days pre-MoP when you hit the level cap you had to do hit regular dungeons to gear up with blues and the occasional epic. Then you worked on heroics where you geared out with epics. Then you slowly ease yourself into raiding/pvp.
So I was under that impression while I was playing MoP until some guy told me "Dude you know about loot island right? You can gear yourself out in an hour."
And sure enough there's a f***ing island where you get buffed out the ass and can go around looting epics out of chests.
F*** you Blizzard and your casual crap. THEY EVEN GOT RID OF THE SKILL TREE!!
*sigh*.... I have hopes for the next expansion. But if its anything like MoP then no.. just no.
Oh and you know what else bugged me? The pandas constantly saying "We are the watchers on the wall."
.. REALLY?! Word for word? Since when is the nights watch in WoW? Let me guess in the next expansion the orcs will go around saying "The night is dark and full of terrors."
..I've lost all respect for the game. It's for children and only children now.
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