Call of Pripyat is a decent game with it's own unique atmosphere and personality. Keep walking, there's a cavern near the crashed heli. Enter it at night with full volume, you will understand why this game is good.
You'll find all kinds of wierd stuff happening around the Zone, and it really grows on you with time. There were some really memorable moments when I played it. I don't want to spoil it for you, but:
- The random bursts of radiation in the zone make everyone run for cover including AI. I once went into hiding in an abandoned building during a radiation burst. It was totally dark inside, but I didn't turn the flashlight on because it could alert enemies. I kept walking 'till I got to some stairs, went up and found in front of me 20 soldiers sitting hiding from the storm. It was **** awesome. They didn't notice me in the dark, so I rolled a greande between them, and took my rifle out. Chaos insued...
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