If a company resting on its laurels from ten plus years ago develops an engine that nobody else licenses, does it have any effect on the larger industry?
What makes you think that nobody else will license the Tech 5 engine? The engine is not even finished, and it certainly has not been made available to potential licensees.
And by the way, as I said before, an engine does not need to be the most popular licensed engine in order for it to drive the technology in the industry forward. The Doom 3 or Source engines, for example, set a new standard for graphical detail and quality that other developers must meet in future games. Also, the fact that Carmack has supported the use of an open API rather than the proprietary DirectX shows that there are still serious developers in the game industry who realize the benefits of not letting one company control everything.
And no I am not an id fanboy at all; I simply support John Carmack's views on this particular aspect of game development. And I do not think you are being objective if you take a look at the Rage teaser and research the features of the Tech 5 engine and then say that id is behind the times and cannot be a serious competitor with Epic or Crytek's latest engines.
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