IL-2 Sturmovik Problem

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#1 Brandmon
Member since 2005 • 1016 Posts
Its the first flight simulater I have got so Ihave no recent experiance of flight sims. And I got a joystick to play the game. So I install the game , looks good..
I run the game , see the training... Than when I start a mission , I can't even take off. The plane won't stop turning left , I tried unplugging the new joystick I have , but it keeps turning left :?
Anything to fix this? Thanks
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#2 Smobojoe123
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts
Well, I'm farily certain its something with the game (as opposed to your joystick), I'm a big Flight Sim fan so I know the stick is working. I'm having the same problem with the Demo version of this game as well. Let me know if you find anything and vice versa.
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#3 Ps2stony
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Rip your computer apart, throw it in the shredder, and feed it to a mule. Better than a stress ball.
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Have you got your joystick axis correctly configured? I forget where you set this but its either in the menu of the game or there is like a seperate setup menu (where you configure your resolution for the game etc)
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#5 Plague27
Member since 2005 • 501 Posts
Go to start, control panel, game controllers, click your joystick, calibrate, follow the instructions. When you get in game, there will be slight pull to the left because all the planes are props, and so you need right rudder to counter the pull from the engine torque, but it should go away when you lift off the ground. That is how it is supposed to be.
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#6 bogaty
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First, calibrate your joystick and check your rudder settings to make sure it's centred properly. Secondly, check what realism settings you're running the game under. If you have torque enabled, you can expect a lot of planes to pull violently to the left or right during take off, especially if you slam the throttle straight to full power. Counter with rudder in the opposite direction and if you're still pulling to one side, apply brakes to realign yourself until you've generated enough forward momentum to overcome the torque. You may also want to make sure your rudder, elevators and alierons are tirmmed.
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#7 NamelessPlayer
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As the above posters have said, single-engine aircraft will pull to one side because of engine torque. You have to compensate for this with rudder. (I know how you feel-coming from arcade titles like BF1942 and the like, having the plane veer off without rudder input made me go "WTF?") It's also much easier if you gradually increase the throttle rather than slamming it all the way forward. Take off and get some altitude. Then, your plane shouldn't be greatly yawing in one direction or the other. If it still is, either your trim is far too offset for whatever reason, or your rudder axis isn't calibrated properly.
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#8 br0kenrabbit
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Take-Off procedure: Note that some of these keys aren't set by default. This is for land-based aircraft. Procedure for carrier-based craft is different. 1. Pull the throttle down to 0. 2. Lock tail-wheel. (this will help keep you straight until you tail comes off the ground) 3. Set prop pitch to 0. 4. Set fuel mix to 100. 5. Manually hold the break. 6. Start Engine. 7. Set flaps to Take-Off position. 8. Wait for oil temp to reach desired position (20-30 seconds usually, longer for multi-engines). 9. Set prop pitch to 100. 10. a) Release brake and gradually increase the throttle. Don't be in a hurry, the faster you increase the throttle the harder the plane will be to control on the ground. b) Apply opposite pressure to the rudder to combat torque. Be gentle, be slow, and don't over-correct. c) Pull back on the stick to keep your tail on the ground until you gain sufficient speed that the airflow is more in control than the torque. d) Once you raise your tail, gently keep the plane centered on the runway. The more speed you can get before you take off the better. Don't try to 'pop up' like a lot of beginners do, let the increased airspeed and lift gently pick you up off the ground. 11. Retracted gear. Wait for plane to resettle into a steady flight after the wheels are up. 12. Retract flaps, one step at a time. Wait between each steps for the plane to settle. 13. Unlock tail-wheel. 14. Once at altitude, decrease prop pitch and fuel mix to cruising levels (see aircraft chart guide for individual details). The most important advice I can give you is go easy on the stick. These aren't jets and don't react to input instantly. Most beginners over-steer and over-correct. Just relax. Move in slow-motion. Later, you can learn to walk the plane on the edge of the envelope, but right now just learn how to fly it. And do yourself a favor and go 'full real' right from the start. Especially get used to 'no external views' because most servers run as so. It may be harder to start out full real, but you really do learn how to fly a lot faster. Also, get used to using the instruments in the cockpit view instead of the speedbar.
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#9 bogaty
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Good advice, Br0kenrabbit. Just thought I should add that that's only for land based aircraft. If you're taking off from a carrier, it's a different story.
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#10 albertafox
Member since 2004 • 165 Posts

Its the first flight simulater I have got so Ihave no recent experiance of flight sims. And I got a joystick to play the game. So I install the game , looks good..
I run the game , see the training... Than when I start a mission , I can't even take off. The plane won't stop turning left , I tried unplugging the new joystick I have , but it keeps turning left :?
Anything to fix this? Thanks

If it is your first time you can turn off some of the gyro/torque effects in difficulties. There is also many other settings there to assist a newcomer to get the grasp like turning damage off then turn everything else on and try not to crash on take off and landings, just try touch and go to the ground(just so you dont have to reset when you crash).

Also look for IL-2 JoyControl. It has set up features that IL-2 doesnt have for your joystick.

B e sure to check out UBI forums for all your IL-2, FB, PF.... discussion.

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#11 harkyboy83
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
I recently purchased a 120GB slim PS3 console and thought i'd buy IL2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey. I just started the game up and went straight to single player mode, and then tutorial, after the game started loading up the screen went black then took me straight back to the main playstation home screen, with the IL2 Sturmovik game highlight ready to play. I thought it was just a glitch so tried again to re-start the game, so went back to the tutorial, waited for it to load, but annoyingly the game bailed out again and went back to playstation home. It doesn't seem to want to load?!?! Has anyone had this or similar problems with the game? Would really appreciate any help please
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#12 the_mitch28
Member since 2005 • 4684 Posts

^ This is the PC forum but I would suggest taking your copy back and getting a replacement.

Anyways just don't make the throttle, I like to climb in increments of 20 with a few seconds pause in between each.

Also if this is your first sim maybe you should try turning some stuff off in the realism settings and then slowly turning them back on as you get better.

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#13 Threesixtyci
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That game is not an easy game to play... Suggest tuning down the realism, if you don't want to play a simulation; which IL2, really is.

Anyway the pull is normal for that game if you have prop torque on. I suggest turning that off in the difficulty section if you don't want it. Or, buy yourself some rudders or a joystick that has an extra control for rudder control. And it won't stop when you lift of the ground, not in that game. If you had rudders or if you use the keyboard for rudder control, you'll find that all the planes in the game have a manual adjust, for torque built into the rudders controls, themselves. The right pedal in the game doesn't reset to the center. It stays put to oppose the torque of the prop, and will reset to the center when you tap the left rudder pedal; you can note that in the cockpit's pedal animations, too.

Also there are trim setting in the game, usually on the right side of the cockpit, where you'll see the dials spinning (when you play with the keyboard manual trim settings) and cables tighting to trim the air surfaces, but only on some planes, not all. Not all the planes in that game have fully animated cockpits. And adusting trim isn't easy, it changes depending on the RPM setting and general speed of the plane, so basicly, you are always conpensating or readjusting trip every time you touch the throttle.

Not everything in that game is complete either, for example there is no fuel gauge on the P40 (if you have the Pacific expansion pack.). The gauge is there on the floorboard, beside the rudder pedals, but it doesn't function. And a lot of the gauges are just wrong. Some temp gauges in that game are in celcius, but the needle is using Farienheit, so they end up always being pegged out....

Anyway in short, the planes act like the real thing, and are all pretty hard to fly. The only plane in that game that's easy to fly is the... J8a. It's only easy to fly, because it's hard to spin, taking off and landing is another story, though. It's also hard to get kills in that plane, because it doesn't have much of a top end speed.