Helis ruin cod4, I just dont see why they are even allowed in alot of servers. The only skill is to get 7 kills in a row, which ISNT that hard. Not for most people. THEN it turns to stat padding. There is no skill, hit 6 and bingo 3-8 kills with no work. They shoot someone, and instanyl shootsomeone way on the other side. They shoot through windows, through walls, through little cracks in the ceiling.
I can honestly say that once we get a new FPS with good online, Im ditching that game faster than I ditched anyother good (otherwise) fps. I just get so mad when im killed by one that it really kills the mood of the game. I try hard to find heli free servers but its rare, oddly rare, I dont know why so many people like the heli. I doubt Brothers in Arms online will be good, nor will Stalker CS's but someday soon ill ditch that thing.
Im not even a bad player, I often win matches and come in top 3, prolly 50% of time. I just dont see why its even in there.
BF2, SOMEONE is flying them. Airstrikes, need to be aimed and often can miss. But i just dont get it.
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