Hi guys
i want to buy an LG W2453V 24inch 1080p monitor,
but i looked on every website i can found and nowhere does it says what kind of resolutions it supports other than 1920x1080.
i'm really interested in that monitor, but i dont want to play pc games and surf the web in 16:9
but i want the 1080p for my ps3 and 360...
so if anybody got that monitor, could you please tell me if it supports 1680x1050?
thx in advance
Why don't you want to surf in 16:9?
And if it does support 1680*1050, its going to look horrible, because thats not the native resolution.
well, in 16:9 everything will look slightly wrong won't it?
No, lol, it will beperfectly fine, otherwise people wouldn't buy widescreen monitors. The only problem you may have is the small text, but IE8 and Firefox support zooming, thats what I do with all my webpages, its too hard to read on my monitor.
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