[QUOTE="Renevent42"][QUOTE="FelipeInside"] Yes, I understand u got attacked and all that, and this guy saved you. But as a very educated person, one who was CHOSEN to be selected for the Arc. You wake up 100years later, and don't even ask a single question? Just go out and kill and do things for some unknown guy? Really? I don't think any human would act like that....it's not realistic. As for being a shooter, yes....I'm not saying it has to have a complicated RPG-style story....but give it some correct pacing at least...FelipeInside
You were nearly killed and a guy saved you...he mentions how dangerous the area is an if you want to live come with him. What exactly would YOU ask in that situation? Personally after being nearly killed in an unknown hostile land and the guy who just saved my life said "hey c'mon get in!" I would jump in the car in a hot minute. So would you...I don't think anyone would stand around and play 50 questions lol.
Then once you were back in his town, the guy tells you he risked his life (and the lives of the people in town) by saving you and they will in all certaintaty retaliate. He tells you the only way is to strike them first and asks you to do it since he saved your life. Remember...he is asking you to kill the people who TRIED TO KILL YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE too...so it's not like you are off killing people without causation.
It's nowhere as bad as people are making it out to be.
You do have a point... but I would have at least asked things like: "who are these bandits?" "why are they trying to kill me?" "what's happened to the world?" Who knows, maybe the bandits are just starving people who were trying to get food. I'm not saying I WOULDN'T go out and shoot, but the way the pacing is, is completely off. In same situation I think they would have barracked the hometown instead of sending one person who just woke up after 100years and no skills on a Rambo mission, don't you? And if they just respond like that.... what makes them more human than the bandits? My topic wasn't just about RAGE, lots of games are doing it these days.Well...on the way to the town he does start explaining some of the questions you asked...and once you are there he goes into greater detail. Regarding just waking up and going rambo...it's explained (though not fully at that point) the people from the Arks are special people with special powers. That's actually a core theme through the entire game and *spoilers* is why the authority wants to capture you *end spoilers*.
About the bandits...yeah maybe they are just hungry...but honestly once someone tries to kill you does it really matter? And considering the other side saved you...what's there to really think about?
The person who brought up Mad Max is dead on...try to think of the game world through that filter. Have you seen Mad Max before? Maybe that's why the game world clicks for some people and not for others...that would actually explain a lot (if you haven't seen it) :P
Anyways I do agree the game suffers from pacing issues...I just think maybe folks aren't giving the story enough credit. When I say that I don't mean saying the story is brilliant or anything...just I see it boiled down to "get gun shoot people" when it's clearly done better than that.
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