Last week, i bought a Panasonic 42in 3D Plasma display from Amazon for $800.00. I bought it strictly for the 3d because i wanted to play PC and PS3 games in 3D. I was really disappointed.
The main problems;
the display is way too dark when you wear the glasses, even at the brightest settings.
the crosstalk or ghosting of the image was unacceptable. In a game like GT5, i could never get a perfect image. In the "in the car" view i could never get the up close dashboard and the far distant track in focus at the same time. Even using advance setting from 3DTV Play from Nvidia for pc games did not help the matter. Every single pc game i tried in 3D was horrible with ghosting, unless i turned the 3D effects to the lowest level.
I also had to turn down my resolution to 720p and cut out certain graphical effects to make games compatible on the PC. The PS3 cuts down the resolution and graphics too.
As much as i wanted to enjoy 3D gaming, and as much as the good deal i got on that television, i just could not enjoy it. So i returned the set for a refund yesterday.
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