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Looking at everything released thus far this year (and still to be released in Q4 2009, the most likely candidates to win are the following : 1) Uncharted 2, PS3 exclusive. This game is full of hype, and early reviews indicate it is a largely successful sequel over its already highly reputable original counterpart. 2) Modern Warfare 2. I don 't care about the hiatus regarding Activision, or the brand's distancing from the Call of Duty franchise, but Modern Warfare 2 is full of promise, especially when it comes to the multiplayer experience. It has become essentially the CounterStrike of console shooters, along with Halo 3. Batman Arkham Asylum is a good game, and maybe the best superhero game of all time, the best licensed game of all time, and best DC game of all time, but I don't think it can be compared to the likes of titles such as the ones mentioned above.Brainhunteri really don't get the hype for uncharted 2, i didn't find the first one all that entertaining and i get the feeling mw2 might get slammed for feeling to similiar to the first one. but hey, i'm probably just biased, i really like batman
For me, yes it is.
The attention to detail, the pacing (the mix between combat and exploration is perfect), the variation in the gameplay (this game is anything but repetitive), the writing, the puzzles, the exploration, the combat, the graphics, it's all pretty much perfect.
I thought the demo was very, very good. The game itself is great. It's a masterpiece. These guys have obviously been studying Valve - but it's also obvious that they weren't conent just to mimick Valve, but that they wanted to trump Valve as well.
The only game for me personally that has a chance to knock this game from its perch is Dragon Age - but right now that's a very tall order.
The attention to detail, the pacing (the mix between combat and exploration is perfect), the variation in the gameplay (this game is anything but repetitive), the writing, the puzzles, the exploration, the combat, the graphics, it's all pretty much perfect.Charles_DickensI could take everything you just said, and apply it to U2 as well. Attention to Detail : tons of it, from the characters' subtle facial animations to their gestures to their clothings getting wet at the "exact level" they submerge themselves into water, it easily trumps Batman's subtle scratches, cape tears, and progressively bearded chin (though those details in Batman AA are very well done as well). Pacing : once again, this can be applied to U2. As IGN's U2 review states, the game is incredibly well paced between combat and exploration, and even briding some elements of both into one streamlined gameplay experience. Variation in gameplay : Batman has different gadgets to increase variety, U2 has different scenes and weapons to increase variety. Both present pretty repetitive enemy designs (Batman is full of goons, some of the boss fights include goons, and even the final fight [spoiler] is still full of goons with the final boss being a variation of the Titan goon [/spoiler] ). In this category, I would rate both equal. Writing : Batman AA has good writing, as expected of the writer of Batman TAS. Uncharted, however, is known for its excellent voicework, smart scriptwriting, comic writing that works and an effective storytelling method through the medium of a game. If anything, Uncharted HAS the element of writing that most games this generation do not possess. The Puzzles : IGN states that Uncharted 2 has less puzzles than Uncharted 1, but the puzzles are much bigger in scope. Batman's Riddles are a smart way of introducing puzzles into the game while remaining faithful to the comic mythos (The Riddler). In this category, I would commend Batman AA for its smart use and implementation of puzzles. Exploration : both games offer exploration, Uncharted with its treasure hunt, and Batman with its riddle hunt. Graphics : this is where it remains clear, while Batman AA is a good looking game, it isn't the best looking game, especially among PC games. Though it is originally a console game, Batman presents the same problem many other Unreal engine-based game demonstrate : poor character facial animations, bug-eyes on npcs, pop-in and the like. Uncharted 2, while being a console game, simply impresses everyone. VSYNCED,to a solid 30FPS on hardware dating back from 2006, motion blur, movement animation, facial expressions, U2 oozes of quality in its visuals, especially considering the limitations of the PS3 hardware in comparison to today's high end PC Rigs. In the end, the game is pretty much the best possible experience you can achieve on the PS3 platform.
haven't played the game so i won't judge it, but some of the most high profile titles in years are going to be released in this winter, so i think it's safe to say that Batman AA is NOT the Goty yet. and i'm only talking about pc.
For PC yes bec so far expect for few games rest of games released for pc were either flops or buggy craps.
I thought we were discussing PC games here?
Uncharted 2 may be great - but it's not a PC game. I don't own a PS3 so I can't play it.
Batman: AA is the game to beat, the likely candidates (PC) are probably Borderlands, MW2, AC2 & DA:O.illmatic87Id say da: o will be my game of the year, although it wont win because of the sure to be sub-par console version.
Id say da: o will be my game of the year, although it wont win because of the sure to be sub-par console version.[QUOTE="illmatic87"]Batman: AA is the game to beat, the likely candidates (PC) are probably Borderlands, MW2, AC2 & DA:O.TerroRizing
Same for me, DA:O will probably be game of the year for me. Can't wait to play a classic RPG, hope everything fits and enough beta testing is carried out.
Borderlands is also on my list, but we'll see how that ends.
Batman, on the other hand, is really good, I'm around 50% and loving it.
arma 2 has to be considered pc game of the year so far, but pc games just dont get the credit they deserve lately. Empire Total War, Drakensang, Plants vs Zombies are other contenders.
No. I thought the pacing was crap - mainly because the game ALWAYS remembers you about the riddles, and it's natural that you'll spend a lot of time trying to solve them and being very frustrated. The collectibles aren't the problem, it's the way they're implemented - you'll want that fat XP bonus to unlock upgrades, so you'll disrupt the flow of the game.
And why should Batman care about the Riddler dicking around anyway? He's harmless. If anything, he's helping you with those riddles and bonuses... I can't picture Batman searching for the Riddler's signs (that he somehow painted on the freakin' roof of the asylum) while the Joker creates a mutant army.
Also, the boss fights are crap, there are plenty of blatantly "gamey" moments and so on. It's a solid game, but not the best of the year.
Yet? Perhaps. But I believe that Borderlands is going to be the greatest action game of the year, together with The Saboteur.
Many people don't know the meaning of the words "PC Game" and "Yet".
So far it is the best PC game I have played.
i just downloaded the demo to see what all the hype is about. it's indeed pretty good. the Unreal Engine again amazes me with its perfect balance of visual quality and optimisation.
Id say da: o will be my game of the year, although it wont win because of the sure to be sub-par console version.[QUOTE="TerroRizing"]
[QUOTE="illmatic87"]Batman: AA is the game to beat, the likely candidates (PC) are probably Borderlands, MW2, AC2 & DA:O.ferran82
Same for me, DA:O will probably be game of the year for me. Can't wait to play a classic RPG, hope everything fits and enough beta testing is carried out.
Borderlands is also on my list, but we'll see how that ends.
Batman, on the other hand, is really good, I'm around 50% and loving it.
It would probably take the title hands down for me as well, my inner fanboy just favors that genre and the developer too much.
I've been playing Batman since day one, and I'm at 10% - how do you guys get through these games so quickly? How many hours a day do you play?
I've been playing Batman since day one, and I'm at 10% - how do you guys get through these games so quickly? How many hours a day do you play?
That doesn't mean you've got 90% of the campaign left. I have no idea how it's calculated, it's a mix between campaign progress, upgrades, riddles and challenge rooms. I finished the campaign in 14 hours, playing it two days. I had 180 riddles solved. I only completed 3 challenge rooms, then uninstalled it.
A console port as PC game of the year? Oh, how the mighty have fallen....
But you're not talking about Batman are you?
Because the developer clearly stated that Batman was developed as a PC game, and was then ported over to the consoles. It was developed on the Unreal engine, which Rocksteady also noted is a PC application.
If you've played the PC version of Batman then it should be pretty obvious to you that this is a PC game. As others have stated, not only is everything top-notch about this title - from the graphics, to the writing, to the exploration, to the pacing, to the fighting, to the variation in gameplay - but the game also happens to run insanely well. That's further evidence right there that this is a PC title.
This game is super smooth, and in some of these huge rooms, especially with all the stuff that's happening (the fight sequences alone are incredibly detailed), it just doesn't seem possible almost. If I had seen this game in action before playing it on my computer I would've said, wow, this game is going to be a total system hog. It isn't.
Why are so many people resisting this game? I don't get it?
Waiting for Mass effect:2 and Dragon age but so far its the most impressive game released in 2009.ZillaschoolYou've just named the two titles that might be able to have a go at Batman. Dragon Age in particular, for me. But Mass Effect 2 (which will of course be released next year) is also looking pretty nice.
A console port as PC game of the year? Oh, how the mighty have fallen....
But you're not talking about Batman are you?
Because the developer clearly stated that Batman was developed as a PC game, and was then ported over to the consoles. It was developed on the Unreal engine, which Rocksteady also noted is a PC application.
If you've played the PC version of Batman then it should be pretty obvious to you that this is a PC game. As others have stated, not only is everything top-notch about this title - from the graphics, to the writing, to the exploration, to the pacing, to the fighting, to the variation in gameplay - but the game also happens to run insanely well. That's further evidence right there that this is a PC title.
This game is super smooth, and in some of these huge rooms, especially with all the stuff that's happening (the fight sequences alone are incredibly detailed), it just doesn't seem possible almost. If I had seen this game in action before playing it on my computer I would've said, wow, this game is going to be a total system hog. It isn't.
Why are so many people resisting this game? I don't get it?
If it was a PC game, they would have allowed us to change the bindings. Amirite? And there's one of those typical consolish moments towards the end of the game where Batman run towards the camera, so you have no idea where he's actually heading to. The Scarecrow sections also scream for a controller.
Of course it runs well, it's the core Unreal 3, no extra shaders, nothing. It even features that crappy red lightning in some areas. And actually, UT3 is more detailed and runs a lot better. Batman is on par with the original Gears IMO.
I know you're in that excitement phase after you purchase a new game though:P
A console port as PC game of the year? Oh, how the mighty have fallen....
But you're not talking about Batman are you?
Because the developer clearly stated that Batman was developed as a PC game, and was then ported over to the consoles. It was developed on the Unreal engine, which Rocksteady also noted is a PC application.
If you've played the PC version of Batman then it should be pretty obvious to you that this is a PC game. As others have stated, not only is everything top-notch about this title - from the graphics, to the writing, to the exploration, to the pacing, to the fighting, to the variation in gameplay - but the game also happens to run insanely well. That's further evidence right there that this is a PC title.
This game is super smooth, and in some of these huge rooms, especially with all the stuff that's happening (the fight sequences alone are incredibly detailed), it just doesn't seem possible almost. If I had seen this game in action before playing it on my computer I would've said, wow, this game is going to be a total system hog. It isn't.
Why are so many people resisting this game? I don't get it?
If it was a PC game, they would have allowed us to change the bindings. Amirite? And there's one of those typical consolish moments towards the end of the game where Batman run towards the camera, so you have no idea where he's actually heading to. The Scarecrow sections also scream for a controller.
Of course it runs well, it's the core Unreal 3, no extra shaders, nothing. It even features that crappy red lightning in some areas. And actually, UT3 is more detailed and runs a lot better. Batman is on par with the original Gears IMO.
I know you're in that excitement phase after you purchase a new game though:P
Batman is going to be on my hard drive for a long time to come - like Fallout 3, and like Half-Life 2.
Those games just blew me away when I originally played them, and I've pretty much got the same feeling about Batman.
Yeah, I get excited about new games, and yeah I tend to over-exaggerate my enthusiasm sometimes, but I would have to say that I'm pretty much in agreement with the review scores I've seen.The combined score of 92 at Meta-critic makes Batman one of the highest rated games of the past 12 months. And yet some people are still taking pot shots at it - I don't get i?
And yet some people are still taking pot shots at it - I don't get i?
Don't worry about other people belittling the game. As long as your enjoying it that's all that matters. Not everyone is going to love it.
No I disagree, we must make everyone love it.[QUOTE="Baranga"]
But you're not talking about Batman are you?
Because the developer clearly stated that Batman was developed as a PC game, and was then ported over to the consoles. It was developed on the Unreal engine, which Rocksteady also noted is a PC application.
If you've played the PC version of Batman then it should be pretty obvious to you that this is a PC game. As others have stated, not only is everything top-notch about this title - from the graphics, to the writing, to the exploration, to the pacing, to the fighting, to the variation in gameplay - but the game also happens to run insanely well. That's further evidence right there that this is a PC title.
This game is super smooth, and in some of these huge rooms, especially with all the stuff that's happening (the fight sequences alone are incredibly detailed), it just doesn't seem possible almost. If I had seen this game in action before playing it on my computer I would've said, wow, this game is going to be a total system hog. It isn't.
Why are so many people resisting this game? I don't get it?
If it was a PC game, they would have allowed us to change the bindings. Amirite? And there's one of those typical consolish moments towards the end of the game where Batman run towards the camera, so you have no idea where he's actually heading to. The Scarecrow sections also scream for a controller.
Of course it runs well, it's the core Unreal 3, no extra shaders, nothing. It even features that crappy red lightning in some areas. And actually, UT3 is more detailed and runs a lot better. Batman is on par with the original Gears IMO.
I know you're in that excitement phase after you purchase a new game though:P
Batman is going to be on my hard drive for a long time to come - like Fallout 3, and like Half-Life 2.
Those games just blew me away when I originally played them, and I've pretty much got the same feeling about Batman.
Yeah, I get excited about new games, and yeah I tend to over-exaggerate my enthusiasm sometimes, but I would have to say that I'm pretty much in agreement with the review scores I've seen.The combined score of 92 at Meta-critic makes Batman one of the highest rated games of the past 12 months. And yet some people are still taking pot shots at it - I don't get i?
Because Gamers like me does not care for another Batman game bud. Additionally, I am not paying $50 and tax for such an experience that will be completed relatively easily in normal playthroughs. Certainly, I apprehend why you admire the game after playing the demo, but, personally, I didn't encounter anything special about it from a gameplay perspective.
From a Journalist view I envision Batman AA having a great chance at obtaining Game of the year, though community Gamers will likely share the vote for Aion, Dawn of War 2 or Dragons Age for a true PC gaming acquaintance.
At 8% completion - that scene in the morgue, where the camera is tilted at an angle (I've never seen that in a game before), and where Bats is walking around with red eyes, and something bad has happened to Commissioner Gordon. Wow. That just blew me away.
That moment where the walls start coming undone! Ho-lee! Mind-blowing stuff there. Just mind-blowing.
Rocksteady - who the hell are these guys?
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