Lots of people say it's great... Unfortunately I could never get into it.... to me it still came across as a average-to-good RPG.... but that's me... (worth it if it's cheap I guess)
Yes, it's very good. IMO, Drakensang is better than the Witcher. Not that the Witcher isn't a good game, but the timed click combat in the Witcher is just mediocre.
its decent not great, its one you will play for some time and you will probably just end up on your shelves and you cant be bothered to play it. I managed to complete it but the game got quite boring and it isnt a game I would have the...strength...no erm...willpower...no whats the word I am looking for?...well basically lets just say the game has good features and can be amusing for a time but its boring once the initial thrill of getting it is gone and I doubt I would ever complete it a second time.
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