[QUOTE="dakan45"]Indeed both crysis and killzone 2 had very unstatysfing gunplay, in crysis you cant hit crap, and in killzone 2 you can hit all the crap but it takes a million bullets to the head before you kill someon.dakan45
Sounds like you need a new mouse, the shooting in Crysis was perfect. That, or you didn't know that going into strength mode, took away the recoil from your weapons, allowing you to snipe with the korean assualt rifle even.
"Sounds like you need a new mouse" Please save your excuses and accept for once the obvious commnon things i say. Also you dont need a gaming mouse to play a freakin fps and it IS a fact that crysis has pretty innacurate weapons, everyone has complained about it. Even if you deny that fact, still its proven by comparison with every other fps that weapons are more accurate.Also i never like the cheap power usages such as the one you pointed. Switching to strength to be close to the accuracy you got in other fps everytime you wanna engange someone in a gunfighst is pathetic (Just increase the accuracy and get it over with) but what is more pathetic is that even then, you are not even close to accuracy in all the other fps, so yeah there is a problem allright.
I am so glad they are fixing it in crysis 2 and the gunplay will actually be good because thats what matters in a fps, the freaking shooting. (Athough admitedly, they overdoing it since the scar seemed to have no recoil)
Who is everyone? I'm pretty sure if Crysis had bad shooting, it wouldn't have gotten a 9.5 on here, be hailed as "easily one of the greatest shooters of all time", and recieve the shooter of the year award. Also, by other fps games, do you mean Call of Duty, the game where every gun shoots in a perfect straight line, and with no recoil?
The weapons aren't inaccurate- it's realistic, you can't run around like CoD and have perfect accuracy for everything you hit, no matter the range. In Crysis if you want to hit a target far away, you need to lay down, goto strength mode (the equivalent here of holding your breath in other shooters), and aim for the head. It isn't that hard really, it just takes a bit of patience, it's realistic, but I guess everything has to be simplified down for people these days.
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