I just wanted to mention something regarding your setup.
If you haven't ordered the parts already, I recommend that, instead of trusting all your data to a single huge (1TB) drive, you should instead get two 500GB drives (or whatever capacity configuration you want) instead. In other words, you should really have more than one hard drive.The reason is that you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket; hard drives go bad all the time. Plus, if you keep all your personal data (photos, documents, music, etc.) on its own drive, then if you ever have to reinstall your OS, you don't have to worry about figuring out how to backup your stuff.
Hell, I take it even further than that. I have four physical hard drives:
C: - 120GB - Holds the OS and applications.
D: - 250GB - Personal data (projects, documents, photos, music, etc.)
E: - 250GB - An exact mirror copy of D: (not RAID). D: and E: essentially backup each other.
F: - 500GB - My new drive solely for games.
Just to give you an example. It may sound overkill, but storage is really cheap, and the first time a drive fails or you have to reinstall the OS for any reason, it becomes absolutely worth it. Just my two cents. ;)
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