So will internet speed becoming in ms, do still think that LAN parties are doable ? is Lan gaming a common feature in today generation of gamers.
I've been gaming since the 90s & now pretty much online gaming is the domenant, LAN places only have acouple of games that people still play frequantly such as CS or BF games & some strategy games.
But todays games require profiles to unlock items & weapons etc... such as CoD4 & BFBC2, you can't take your profile with you to the LAN cafe. You will have to start from new.
This isn't a rant about certain games not having the lan option in them such as BFBC2 & Starcraft 2, it is more about the LAN feature being unused anymore, it just comes with the game, like the Direct X software that comes with the game. what does it represent, is it that hard to be implimented/coded into a game,
BTW when people ask for lan in games doesn't mean that they are pirates. there is many lan games that require different serial keys so that the people can join a match, just like online gaming.
What do you guys think ?
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