[QUOTE="Maxxgold"]Dude I played WOW to 85 and it really sucs after that I don't know what your talking about but the end game is why I quit wow it really is bad - just play to get more gear and then play to get more gear and then play to get more gear what a waste. FFIX must have changed alot since 05 because after lvl 12 you needed to group to gain any exp and then if party wiped you lost all your exp. WOW cata is so easy now it's like you can be brain dead and still lvl with no prob be 85 in less then 2wks give me a break - Vanillia was hard and still you could pwr lvl to 50 in 3wks to a month - I maxed lvled and sold accounts because it just got so BORINGThis is a funny post. While I agree wow is extremely easy to level. (so easy an 8 year old could do it) it is extremely hard to MASTER at end game. At 85 the heroic dungeons are making and breaking the bads. Is this why you left for rift? also, do you even have to move in Final Fantasy while fighting bosses? I tried playing it on two separate occasions but i didn't get very far because it bored me to tears. Also, in an earlier post you said basically "theres nothing to do at max level except grind for gear". You realize this is the case for every MMO? BUT there are many other things to do and if you played and got to max level you would know this. On topic: Havent played Rift, heard it was another wow clone, and after experiencing EQ2, LOTR (was pretty good) and Warhammer online (this would have been my favorite if people actually played it) I think ill wait before i try it and see if it lasts.The opoinions about wow in this thread are not informed. I see people saying they quit at level 40. If you haven't played WOW up to level 85 and played end game content you have no clue about WOW. All the good stuff happens at top levels. I have played all the otherr MMO's out there and they are a joke compared to WOW. Final Fantasy XI is a joke comprard to WOW. Final Fantasy is a kiddy MMO. Like if you have the I.Q of a 7 year old then that would be a good game. If you want to play a game that takes skill and mastery then you want to play WOW. Rift is just a WOW wanna be with not nearyl as much content and really lacking elements. Yes all the games try to copy WOW now, even Final Fantasy made it so you can level by yourself. Which is what WOW did and they always got flack about it from Final Fantasy people. Now Final Fantasy players are like, Oh it's so cool our game is like WOW now. I'm like right dude, werene't you the guy who said WOW sucked because you could level up easily. FacePalm. EverQuest 1 was a good game at the time but it's outdated and so is Everquest 2. No real skill needed to play those games. WOW is and will always be the best MMO out there. It has awesome PVP and PVE elements and the skill needed to play at high levels is unparalleled. If you only played an MMO up to level 25 or 35 and never made it to a top level you should probably not give your opinion about the games. THat's like reviewing a game after playing 5 minutes of the game.
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