in ways it is, but not all. envioments tend to be far less welcomming in skyrim, and some things are even more bugged (belive it or not). Well all Bethesda games are buggy and the bugs people get will rarely be the same, so outside of that very subjective set of views Ive got, I think we should look at it objectively.
+ has by far the better questlines, more inventive, often more fun (atleast if we discount that fighters guild line).
+ Does a far better job of painting and informing the player about the world around him.
+ Has bigger better feeling cities (kind of sad to call them big, but you know)
- quests outside the questlines and daedra quests are rather dull, short or outright non logical
- Alot of ideas rushed to be implemented, rarely worked as it should, glarring omissions by TES lore.
- A One character fits all mold with little reason to pick any race, class or skills outside the first few levels.
- Nothing to spend money on after about 20 hours of playtime.
- weapons break down over time at a ridicolous rate
- Some gameplay mechanics implemented too hurried and either work too well, or completely pointless.
+ Far better feel of weight in the game
+ Better Graphics (well duh)
+ Far better Character progression (not ideal but it is a very good start for where the series might go).
+ More interresting world with far more interresting random encounters and happenings
+ Far better working stealth, which is less overpowered (atleast in the diff I play at)
- Main questlines are abysmal, the best ranges at passable and barely at that.
- The dragon encounter mechanic begins to get on ones nerves since you are assaulted by an overly horny dragon every single time you step a foot outside a city, and often when you are inside one aswell (cool the first 20 times, but after 2000?)
- Skilltrees are not all equally desirable and does not seem equally beneficial (I know it is ironic since the loss of a "one size fits all" character was a complaint with Oblivion, but some trees simply seem less effective, and less effecient as a choice).
- Spells severely gimped
- Somehow Less interresting surroundings then Oblivion (you tend to get kind of bored of watching snowfilled slandscapes all the time, it is nice at the beginning, but 50+ hours where everything is white tends to grind me the wrong way, this is a personal one despite I said it would not be here, bear with me).
- Just Horrible UI, seriously it is bad.
Overall I think they do even out a bit, Skyrim does alot of things better then oblivion, but due to the questlines being shorter, and less of a world which gives you information about the surroundings and even landscapes telling you less, are major flaws in my book. The DLC packs corrects some of these errors, so it depends if you have them. And pretty much all negatives can be removed if you play on the PC, the steam workshop mod menu is really impressive, and so easy to use that there really is no excuse of making the game what you want it to be, rather then what it is out of the box.
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