Here is my dilemna. Everyone basically says that an 8600GTS will not give better performance than a 7600GT, or sometimes its even worse. This has lead me to believe that I need to wait until I can get about 300 dollars saved to buy an 8800GTS 320MB version.
I just want to know, would a 8600GTS be good enough for the following:
-1600x1050 resolution
-High textures for terrain, NPCs, and models
-Good HDR performance
-Medium shadows
I dont really like AA and shadows arent a big deal to me, and since they slow down my current system (7600GT) I often turn them to low or sometimes off. I just like a lot of detail in my world, and while my current PC runs games such as Oblivion and Call of Jaurez rather well at 1600x1050 most of the time, the bogging down in grassy areas or areas with a lot of NPC activity is starting to annoy me. Ever since I built this new rig I have set a new minimum standard for my hobby (nothing lower than 1600x1050) and I would just like to know if an 8600GTS (at 210 dollars max) would be good enough to maintain this standard for most upcoming games, or I would be better of getting an 8800GTS 320MB version.
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