Piracy is NOT theft. Rather, it's more like, if could go up to a car that looks flash, somehow make a clone of it, and then drive away without paying, would be more in line to what piracy is - which is far less damaging than actually stealing something.
stealing an idea or intelectual property may not be theft in the traditional sense of the word, fact is; something is taken and used that does not belong to the one taking it without consent or compensation to the owner. if this was far less damaging (not sure how you get to this conclusion) why do you think it's such a big issue today? if you came up with a great new and creative idea for a game, then put a lot of effort into making this idea into an actual game only to find out that peoples everywhere are playing it yet you struggle to earn back the costs of making it. how would you feel the next time you had a great idea?
Not quite, the developers these days often dont get paid a % of total return, but a set salary and maybe a bonus if the gam sells well.
The developers DO get their pay, the only people losing on the deal are the publishers, they're usually not making as much as they expected, and are often the ones making a huge stink about it.
I like that example about how you just copy a car and drive away, rather than stealing it. In my oppinion, simply making a copy wouldn't hurt the manufacturer as much, because the dealerships would still be buying the same number of cars, especially if you had no intention of buying said car, if you could not copy it.(I've seen this be the case several times, extremely low ratings appear, friends pirate games to have a good laugh at how bad a game is.)
Truth is there is no way to stop piracy, Every DRM thats out right now is cracked, and fully playable by pirates, and as soon as a new one comes out..A competition starts between the crackers(unoffically) where they try to see who can do it first, because who-ever does it, becomes known by the pirate community.
Piracy can not be stopped.That sounds believable but is beside the point as far as i am concerned. You see, it doesn't really matter if developers get their pay, if publishers lose, developers will lose too sooner or later and so will we as gamers. I consider the state of pc-gaming today as proof enough of that. And the analogy with the copying a car kinda works, as does piracy itself, but only as long as the majority keeps on paying for their product. It is not as innocent as you and others make it out to be because the more peoples adopt this reasoning the less peoples will be left to sustain the system that is responsible for there being a car (or game) in the first place.
Saying piracy can not be stopped is too easy although i do agree that drm does very little to stop it. Peoples who pirate do so with different motives. Some of these motives are very susceptible to counter measures others aren't.
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