I got this keyboard about 2 weeks ago and only just got around to playing a game with it and have noticed that the keys dont seems to work unless Im pushing quite hard on them. Like i'll be running in a game using the W key, its pushed down then all of a sudden i'll stop running because I took off a slight amount of pressure. Also the space bar is a pain with the same issue, when i go to jump unless I really give it a good tap it will not register it being pushed. Iv tried looking all over the net to see if anyone else has experianced this problem but cant find anything, so Im hopping someone here with the same board may know something. Im quite disapointed with it really. The keyboard itself is great, but I shouldnt be having a harder time playing game with it then I was with my old $20 board all because I dont bash my keys hard or put huge amounts of weight on them. Being only afew weeks sice i got it Im planning on taking it back for a refund, or a replacment if I can find out if its just faulty.
Also an unrelated issue, does anyone who owned one of these know if they are meant to heat up on the bottom left, near the windows/ctrl keys?
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