Is it like a drag and drop process like with Ipod? Another question, when you insert a CD and you have your Zune plugged in, or connected, what happens?
It's even easier for me, I simply make a folder on my desktop labled "new music" and everytime I plug my Zune in to the USB, it recognizes the new music and syncs it. After the sync, take the music out of the folder and put it in your collection on your desktop or wherever. I'm sure you could drag and drop, but I've yet to do it. I've had limited use with iTunes, but I hear the Zune software is a bit more user-friendly, and the new update that happened recently gave it some great options and abilities (that technically should have been on the Zune to start with).
When you put a CD in, you can choose different options, but I've got mine set to automatic rip. I went through all of my CD collection in a matter of hours and tucked them away.
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