So, I was up until 6 am wrestling with drivers, game installs etc. I had a problem with XP not recognizing my keyboard and mouse after the first set of drivers, I did a repair install of the OS and wrapped up the drivers. Man that was a pain. But it's all done now, and that's awesome. I haven't tried anything too taxing on it yet. TF 2, UT III, and Demigod are all on there. I should be trying Dawn of War II soon though, and that's a big one as far as requirements go. I'm a little worried about my stock cooling on the CPU, but I'm using PC Wizard to check my temps/load and they don't look bad. CPU Temp (according to this) is a steady 29 degress Celscious with no load. After playing the various games for about an hour last night it got to about...50...That's not too bad right?
Anyway, I'm excited as hell...NOW I JUST NEED TO GET DEMIGOD TO UPDATE.
Sadly enough, I'll have to do it all over again soon because I'm running on XP, and need Vista. But now that I have the routine down it should be fine.
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