To me both of the games werent very scary but I really love them. Dead Space is one of my favriote IP's of this generation. I 've jumped several times in both games but nothing really scary.
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To me both of the games werent very scary but I really love them. Dead Space is one of my favriote IP's of this generation. I 've jumped several times in both games but nothing really scary.
FelipeInside common now you should have known better, this game wasn't made for little kiddies. You might wanna look into Halo, that should keep your shorts clean.
I've played the first Dead Space,and I like it a lot.The gameplay was really fun and I beat it about 4 times.But it was NOT scary at all to me.It just ended up recycling the same cheap jump scares over and over,and got tiresome after a while.It got the point to where I actually could predict when a "scare" would happen.Dead Space is a fun game,but it is not scary IMO.
If you want to be truly terrified,play Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
Exactly the same as me....I found amnesia boring tooFunny I found Amnesia quite dull and boring but Dead Space 1 and 2 scare the living hell out of me.
But I finished dead space 1 If I get thru dead space 2 that makes me MACHO MAN !!!FelipeInside common now you should have known better, this game wasn't made for little kiddies. You might wanna look into Halo, that should keep your shorts clean.
I hear that everywhere, but Amnesia was boring to me:lol: You probably shouldn't play Amnesia then.
well the only part for me that was scary so far was bein in the school...but i only get scared in school levels...happened in fear 2 as well...maybe i just have a school phobia...and its not really scared...just creeped out
I am on CH11 and I haven't jumped or gotten scared yet. I just find it hard to get scared when I have a **** ton of ammo to pwn all the monsters with. I still think the first is a bit creepier with a better atmosphere. AS I said many times, Amnesia, RE2, RE3, and Penumbra are the only games to ever creep me out.
Egos run rabid. Pride is lashing out...
Being afraid of (something you cannot see) isn't showing all cowardice, For the person to be afraid of something that he is not seeing, the imagination must be fluent... (and imagination is something condemned or shunned away, much like intelligence, by the masses)
So is it really any more shameful than say, coming on here and touting your own pride, for you are not scared? ;)
Egos run rabid. Pride is lashing out...
Being afraid of (something you cannot see) isn't showing all cowardice, For the person to be afraid of something that he is not seeing, the imagination must be fluent... (and imagination is something condemned or shunned away, much like intelligence, by the masses)
So is it really any more shameful than say, coming on here and touting your own pride, for you are not scared? ;)
So we all should come in here and say we are scrared? I don't see how I am touting my pride as I gave examples of games that scare me.I was referring to the posts that say, you should be shameful by coming on here and saying you were scared.
Which I think Rhazzy (among others) made, I wasn't even reffering to your post in particular Miller.
What I was stating that people come in here and say that it is shameful to be afraid of said game, are in denial of their own shame! Because many of said people are afraid of fairy tales, or movies, or books, or sounds..
Fear is inherent with Ego, for threatening ones Ego, is a Fear in ones self. (for many people believe that when a persons Ego/pride are threatened, that their identity is threatened)
The ambient sound and the writting one the walls is what scares the **** out of me. Got high end headphones and 3D vision, doesn't help either. People saying it's just another shootar are playing on easier difficulties, I'm getting scared ****less every fight that's more than 2 necromorfs at once, because I know that my ammo might now be enough.
If I am really 28...then what? I am not the one saying a game scares me so much it takes weeks to play because I am so terrified. Give me a break[QUOTE="FelipeInside"]
I'm bored so I'll bite.
A)Who says the person is a man?I AM A MAN.... lol
B)Society dictates how a man should act, as shown by the comment. Learn to think for yourself and stop throwing generalizations out.Thank you
C)Fear is a psychological trigger which is different for each person. A woman could have no sense of fear while a man could crap himself at the slighest loud noise. So true, I'm not scared by rats, snakes, spiders.... but Moths terrify me,,,,hahahahhaha
D)A 28 year old shouldn't be bragging about their age on a forum, it doesn't matter.If he's really 28....
Having a Dragon ball avatar at the age of 28 says a lot about you maaaaan. See, I can make broad generalisations aswell.
I was referring to the posts that say, you should be shameful by coming on here and saying you were scared.
Which I think Rhazzy (among others) made, I wasn't even reffering to your post in particular Miller.
What I was stating that people come in here and say that it is shameful to be afraid of said game, are in denial of their own shame! Because many of said people are afraid of fairy tales, or movies, or books, or sounds..
Fear is inherent with Ego, for threatening ones Ego, is a Fear in ones self. (for many people believe that when a persons Ego/pride are threatened, that their identity is threatened)
I didn't mean to call you out. I have been sick with Pnemonia and I am in quite a terribl mood. I agree with what you say though. These people that come in here saying they aren't afraid of anything is a bit silly. Video games may not scare them, but why they feel the need to tell people I will never know. I really like DS2 and the atmosphere is amazing. However, it seems the only time I get scared is when I have really no means to protect myself. This is why I want to see survival horror make a comeback, but I doubt it will. Up and coming gamers these days have to have guns and the pew pew pew to consider a game worth a damn.[QUOTE="Lach0121"]I didn't mean to call you out. I have been sick with Pnemonia and I am in quite a terribl mood. I agree with what you say though. These people that come in here saying they aren't afraid of anything is a bit silly. Video games may not scare them, but why they feel the need to tell people I will never know. I really like DS2 and the atmosphere is amazing. However, it seems the only time I get scared is when I have really no means to protect myself. This is why I want to see survival horror make a comeback, but I doubt it will. Up and coming gamers these days have to have guns and the pew pew pew to consider a game worth a damn.I was referring to the posts that say, you should be shameful by coming on here and saying you were scared.
Which I think Rhazzy (among others) made, I wasn't even reffering to your post in particular Miller.
What I was stating that people come in here and say that it is shameful to be afraid of said game, are in denial of their own shame! Because many of said people are afraid of fairy tales, or movies, or books, or sounds..
Fear is inherent with Ego, for threatening ones Ego, is a Fear in ones self. (for many people believe that when a persons Ego/pride are threatened, that their identity is threatened)although people also think their body is their identity as well which is just as limiting.
Agreed, no worries. I am wanting to have a good bit of games from the survival horror market to hit pc again, not just a few, here and there, like we have been getting. I beat Dead Space 1, there were some spooky moments, I played on normal I think, Dead Space was one of those on hard you have to unload a clip and a half to do anything. I remember being spooked a few times, sound moreso than visual. I am looking forward to DS2, but I will wait till it comes down in price a good bit.
Maybe cause they paid the reviewers more? Don't know, my pc version works flawless...somewhat off topic, but you guys have any idea why PS3 version of DS2 got better score?
Lol i thought this would be about vsync lag, which i was informed that exists in the second game too. Anyway good to hear the second is scary because the trailer made it look very action like.Dead Space 1: loved the game, so intense, great graphics, newer gameplay, good story...had to stop for a week playing cause I was scared to turn the next corridor.
Dead Space 2: played about 20 minutes. Looks great as well, graphics top notch, and continues the story... HAD TO STOP PLAYING AGAIN CAUSE I'M SHEET SCARED !!!! lol....
Oh well, guess I will play it in short bursts.....hahahaha
PS: if JangoWuzHere decides to comment, YES, this game IS scary. Maybe you are super-macho and don't get scared, but play it like I do, with high quality headphones, at night, alone and with all lights off and see if it doesn't make you jump or intense....FelipeInside
[QUOTE="groowagon"]Maybe cause they paid the reviewers more? Don't know, my pc version works flawless... because the PS3 version comes with deadspace extraction, so it is a better value.somewhat off topic, but you guys have any idea why PS3 version of DS2 got better score?
[QUOTE="groowagon"]Maybe cause they paid the reviewers more? Don't know, my pc version works flawless...somewhat off topic, but you guys have any idea why PS3 version of DS2 got better score?
propably... i mean even the reviews didn't say any reason. although, i just skimped through them, and might have missed it.
e: thanks Roland123_basic
lots of chest pumping in this thread the Dead Space games dont really need to be scary when they are so atmopsheric
while they arent the scariest games ever, playing it on a 46 inch TV at 2am in the morning with 5.1 headphones on always gets the heart pumping
and people that say they arent must be emotionally repressed,
Maybe cause they paid the reviewers more? Don't know, my pc version works flawless... because the PS3 version comes with deadspace extraction, so it is a better value. I still have not decided which one to buy for that very same reason.[QUOTE="FelipeInside"][QUOTE="groowagon"]
somewhat off topic, but you guys have any idea why PS3 version of DS2 got better score?
Do you like to embarrass yourself???Since when it became cool to be scared by ur own should be ashamed of urself...
P.S. Btw how old are you?Maybe ur age could justify ur "chickeness"
By the way how old are you? Maybe your age could justify your atrocious spelling and grammar.
Do you like to embarrass yourself???Since when it became cool to be scared by ur own should be ashamed of urself...
P.S. Btw how old are you?Maybe ur age could justify ur "chickeness"
By the way how old are you? Maybe your age could justify your atrocious spelling and grammar.
Just ignore him.... rhazzy is probably 14 and very unsure of himself with low self confidence, that's why he needs to show that he is macho....Lol i thought this would be about vsync lag, which i was informed that exists in the second game too. Anyway good to hear the second is scary because the trailer made it look very action like.[QUOTE="FelipeInside"]
Dead Space 1: loved the game, so intense, great graphics, newer gameplay, good story...had to stop for a week playing cause I was scared to turn the next corridor.
Dead Space 2: played about 20 minutes. Looks great as well, graphics top notch, and continues the story... HAD TO STOP PLAYING AGAIN CAUSE I'M SHEET SCARED !!!! lol....
Oh well, guess I will play it in short bursts.....hahahaha
PS: if JangoWuzHere decides to comment, YES, this game IS scary. Maybe you are super-macho and don't get scared, but play it like I do, with high quality headphones, at night, alone and with all lights off and see if it doesn't make you jump or intense....dakan45
I have had not issues with Vsync Lag or Mouse Control in DS2.
Works perfect on my system.
Dead Space 1: loved the game, so intense, great graphics, newer gameplay, good story...had to stop for a week playing cause I was scared to turn the next corridor.
Dead Space 2: played about 20 minutes. Looks great as well, graphics top notch, and continues the story... HAD TO STOP PLAYING AGAIN CAUSE I'M SHEET SCARED !!!! lol....
Oh well, guess I will play it in short bursts.....hahahaha
PS: if JangoWuzHere decides to comment, YES, this game IS scary. Maybe you are super-macho and don't get scared, but play it like I do, with high quality headphones, at night, alone and with all lights off and see if it doesn't make you jump or intense....
I have had not issues with Vsync Lag or Mouse Control in DS2.
Works perfect on my system.
Same here[QUOTE="scorpion_great"]But I finished dead space 1 If I get thru dead space 2 that makes me MACHO MAN !!! Then go beat that game and make me proud my son.FelipeInside common now you should have known better, this game wasn't made for little kiddies. You might wanna look into Halo, that should keep your shorts clean.
Played the demo. The scariest thing in this game is the slow and clumsy main character. I just found that all the tense moments weren't actually tense because they were good, i found them tense because the character could barely move at all. That is the problem that i have with most TPS games, everything just feels really, really slow. It was a decent game otherwise.
[QUOTE="FelipeInside"][QUOTE="scorpion_great"]But I finished dead space 1 If I get thru dead space 2 that makes me MACHO MAN !!! Then go beat that game and make me proud my son.FelipeInside common now you should have known better, this game wasn't made for little kiddies. You might wanna look into Halo, that should keep your shorts clean.
I've had no issues with the character's speed. He can aim and shoot fast, and he can run....Played the demo. The scariest thing in this game is the slow and clumsy main character. I just found that all the tense moments weren't actually tense because they were good, i found them tense because the character could barely move at all. That is the problem that i have with most TPS games, everything just feels really, really slow. It was a decent game otherwise.
Scary? I don't understand how people think this is scary. It was like that for DS1 too. Dead Space is NOT SCARY!
I'll admit I got nervous 1 or 2 times, but thats it. (this didn't happen till the end of the game.
Dead Space is NOT SCARY! TO YOU !
Different people react differently.... don't confuse your opinion with fact...
obviously depends on your experience w/ horror games.
if dead space 2 is the first or second scary game you've ever
played, you'll obviously **** your pants lol. if you've been watching
horror movies and games so often, then stuff like amnesia might not
scare you anymore. i did not find amnesia scary, but it was really fun playing it.
Yeah, depends on the person, and of course the SETTING of the movie/game/book. Amnesia didn't scare me, maybe cause of the castle setting....but Dead Space always makes me wet my pants. Movies like Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity scare me (or get me in a tense mood), but things like Freddy, Jason, Scream don't..... get what I mean?obviously depends on your experience w/ horror games.
if dead space 2 is the first or second scary game you've ever
played, you'll obviously **** your pants lol. if you've been watching
horror movies and games so often, then stuff like amnesia might not
scare you anymore. i did not find amnesia scary, but it was really fun playing it.
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