before i say anything, SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS ( i would hate to ruin the amazing plot for anyone)
anyway, as the title perhaps gives away, i have just finished hl2 episode 2. and then i sat back and went: WOW
i mean, this game is awesome!
graphics, fantastic
physics, awesome obviously
music, rare, but superb
story, i think we all know
gameplay, smashing, althought a lack of aiming down the sights is the only downer......the only real flaw i have found
and plus the amazing character development. im not ashamed to say i fell for alyx completely:)
and then, its super cool. i mean the music makes you feel awesome, and when the gman comes in, ITS SO COOL!!!!
and its sad, when eli dies, i reckon there are few among us who can say they didnt feel real compassion. the brilliant voice acting adds to this. and soooooooo immersive, you never know whats going to happen next, it doesnt follow a particular formula, there are no final boss ultimate fight things and there are no cutscenes (which i think is the best part of the game), you really feel as though you are gordon freeman.
i think that it is the best game i have ever played.
anyone else with me on this???
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