Some things I am hopeing to see L4D retail version.. A) More variety in weapons, the weapons are nice.. But its a bit annoying when 4 of the 5 main weapons are just more powerful versions.. I am hopeing they add half a dozen more unique weapons, along with a different variety of pistols.. I would kill if there were a Desert Eagle, or maybe a 3 shot at a time pistol.. B) Add achievement unlockable items/weapons.. LEts face it many pc gamers think Achievements are stupid as hell except when they add a REAL prize to be earn instead of a virtual pat on the back.. C) Another person had a good point, make it alittle less linear.. Not talkinga bout Crysis, but in some areas I am hopeing there would be 2 to 3 unique paths we could take.
D) ADD a zombie survival mode.. Pretty much make 2 to 3 maps of last stand scenerios, say a house, a army bunker etc etc.. Stock those with a limited amount of health and ammunition.. Have the players start in there, there they have to fend off endless waves of zombies.. Make a count down, like every 30 seconds to 1 minute where a zombie rush proceeds, gradually getting harder and harder including bosses basing on some forumla, each round you survive you get a score.. The odbject is to get a good score.. Furthermore you could make it stratigic by having the players able to move obstacles, such as barbwires, barricades, and landmines (if its a army bunker) or any other such objects.. Before the match begins, give the players like 5 minute prepare time so they can stratigically place these objects that can fundamentally change how the players will approach it.. Odviously the zombies will come from all sides, though the director can make decisions on which sides they should come from, that way it would keep the players on their toes.. This in my opinion will be amazing.
E) Add more player models or costume variants, though this really isn't neccesary though would be nice.
F) Add some kind of a survival mode, less zombies, extremely limited ammunition, and zomibes to extreme damage, odviously You have to stratigically move and use your ammunition wisely when absolutely neccesary.
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