First off, I am fine with publishers/developers wanting to offer the game on as many platforms as possible there is a financial reason for that, I understand that. I am however, NOT for forcing people to use programs to do something as simple as play a game. I do not understand why people continue to defend DRM platforms like Origin, STEAM, U-Play, or whatever other third party program exists nowadays that solely exist to control and stifle the gaming experience of the end user. I am an advocate for drm free gaming, which we have few such titles on PC with the option.
My other problems with PC gaming for years now, has been tied directly to the publishers/developers, and also the hardware companies (yeah I've got problems with everyone involved. I'm not going to just blame the devs as its not always all their fault), I know new technology is always coming out, but there is no excuse that they could possibly give for any game running at playable frame rates on 4,5, 6 and even 7 year old gpus and cpus not because of wonderful work by the devs, but by giving us the console version on PC, which is designed to work on hardware you likely can't even buy due to their age, I know they are trying to make money, I get that, but I'm not going to sit here in silence or let them rip me off for quality they are not delivering.
Due to games running on older hardware, what reason is there if you already run 2560x1600 and games are playable? You have had no real reason at all to upgrade, because your getting little to no benefit.
Developers/publishers always have access to the best version of the game, which is then watered down to a playable state on consoles, and we never see what the true PC version could have been (Note: I don't count mods, mods are not part of the original game, please leave mods out of this) how many games have actually been PC focused over the last 8 years?
I don't mean just in graphical/visual quality, but overall quality. Would it really have affected anything on the console side if they gave us actual PC games? Sure we'd have the best looking and performing version of the game, but isn't that the point of all the power we pay top dollar for in our PC cases? We have all this powerful and expensive hardware us PC gamers can spend from 500 to 1000 dollars on (for a complete rig, including mouse, keyboard and a basic monitor) I'm not even counting those who have 2560x1600 30 inch IPS monitors and greater than 1000 dollar builds, and the best you can give us is a sub-720p game with extremely low resolution textures ripped straight out the console builds of the game, massive amounts of bugs and other such problems, yet the game will run at its console level resolution on a custom built or pre-built or even a laptop I could have spent 400 dollars or probably less on?
Especially if I were to go and buy old hardware that is extremely affordable and throw it together. There goes the 500-1000 dollars I spent on new hardware thinking I'm getting a superior experience. Yeah right. That type of experience has led to my feeling like I'm just wasting money on powerful hardware, for nothing. That's what it is, its a waste. Does any game have textures that make running them at 2560x1600 actually look remarkable and worth the money spent on the GPU? Does any game utilize all the threads we have on the CPU? (Do not bring up mods, I don't count modders' work as replacing the developers' original lack thereof of effort, I am judging the original game on release)
I'm not going to turn a blind eye and accept things without speaking my mind. So many people just accept this and actually become hostile to me for not going along like they are, that it makes me sick.
Now, take that and add in all the new hardware always coming out with no reason to buy any of it because if your able to find older parts, you can build an extremely powerful yet cheap gaming htpc with older parts and be set for years due to games being designed to work on extremely old hardware with no scalability for more powerful systems beyond pointless amounts of anti-aliasing. Now with the new consoles, what guarantee is there, that developers will go beyond 7790/ 7850/ 7870 level of quality just because the consoles are using PC parts?
I know people will look at this thread and be overly hostile to my point of view, but this is how I've viewed the last 8 years of PC Gaming.
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