I am looking at getting a new computer I got my old one about 5 years ago.
Here is my current computer that I bought from Totally Awesome Computers in 2002 (they went out of business):
CasEdge Mid-Tower Case/300 Watt ATX Power Supply
ASUS A7N266-C Motherboard AGP4X/266 MHz bus
1900 PR AMD Athlon XP Processor
256 MB DDR SDRAM (PC2100 266 MHz) 1.5GB Max
40GB IBM 7200 RPM Ultra ATA/100 Hard Drive (Originally, but I had to replace the hard drive because my old one went bad)
128MB GeForce 3 Titanium-200 Video Card
17" NEC FE700+ Digital PnP Monitor
I have to turn off my charter security suite software (anti-virus etc) because it slows my computer down too much. Also if I open to many web browsers it can slow down. Recently I started playing Dofus a tactical mmorpg. It runs in shockwave. I have been having some problems with slowdown in that. So I am considering getting a new computer. I would rather not build my own computer, and I would like to buy a more budget cheaper computer. I just checked out Dell's website for fun, but I am looking for advice about where to buy it and what to get. Also will I need to buy a new monitor? I will be using the new computer for online poker, Dofus, web browsing, and maybe have some options for playing newer computer games. Also something that will have a little longevity. Thanks for the advice.
(A little story: One day a guy from the cable company came over to hook up high speed internet. He asked me what type of computer I had. I asked him what he meant. He said like you know dell, gateway. I said it was a Totally Awesome Computer. He kind of looked at me with a dissaproving stare, and asked "what?". I said "It's a Totally Awesome Computer". Than he was like oooooooookaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy in kind ofa long way. And he wrote totally awesome computer on his clipboard.)
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