So I've been into PC gaming since around '95. I'm 21 now and frankly I'm growing tired of it. It seems like nothing really new is coming out. I really enjoy the entire concept of MMO, but I hate the repetitive grind that every single mmorpg consists of. I started off with UO, then took a siesta from MMO's until WoW came out. I eventually grew to hate the game after realizing how much of a robot it turns you into. So I just picked up Vanguard recently in hope of rekindling that MMO love, but after about 2 weeks of that I realized that it's not that different from WoW. Sure it's got diplomacy and all this new/different stuff going on, but it's still the same repetitive grind, and I just can't stand it anymore
Now to my point, I'm asking you guys to recommend some new games for me. MMO's, FPS, RPG all goes, but I can't stand single-player and I can't stand RTS. The single-player simply because I know that I'm not really changing anything, once I finish the game, that's it, and I love playing with other people. RTS... I don't know, I just don't like them. I tried the Total War series and Civlizations IV, but they just can't hold my interest for some reason. Thanks in advance for any recommendations you guys might make.
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