#EDIT#, Ive got a new problem when uninstalling nvidia drivers, please check my post at page 2.
2.3 G Dual Core (Intel), two Geforce 8800 GTS Graphic cards SLI, 4 GB Ram, Windows Vista 64bit, and a 22 inch widescreen flat monitor.
This package sounds like a lovely gaming computer right?.. It isnt.. The only game I got which I can get decent FPS in, is Half Life 2..
Team Fortress 2, with max graphics = low framerates.. Company of Heroes with max graphics = 10 FPS.. Crysis demo with everything on medium and no AA = 9 FPS, and 1 FPS in cutscenes.. Then I just downloaded the Hellgate demo.. 10-20 FPS..
Whats wrong? I don't get it.. I've turned off windows aero, and all other vista programs that uses memory, I've updated all my drivers, etc.
Im really sad. I don't know whats wrong with my super new computer.
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