this guys that are saying the game runs like crap and stupid things like if u turn on physX it will kill the frame rate...
First i played the game maxed out @1920x1080 without AA and physX...almost 60fps constant...
Second time ived turned the physx at medium and i had 40-45 fps constant with minor drops..AND major UP's like indoor i had 50+ fps constant...
Anyhow this game is pretty well optimized but it is nowhere near GTA IV level of detail...One thing that catch'ed my eyes was the really WOW...Spectacular!!!!Till now you could see water that is almost "real-like" in Crysis and Just Cause 2...but Mafia 2 joined those games...only u cannot interact with it :D hahahahaha...what a shame.
Oh and about physx...the only thing that is cool so far about it when you turn it on, are the breakable windows...the rest is "meah"...
P.S. @ Resistance_Kid Dude let me tell you something...the resolution is a major factor in "maxing out" i saw in ur video u play @1280x1024 or lower...thats not "maxing it out"...ur not even close to max out any game at those definition u cannot say that you maxed out even Counter Strike 1.6(with all other setting set to highest) if you play at those resolutions...
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