I'm just not that big a horror fan. Getting scared isn't one of my favorite pastimes. But I loved the gameplay in the FEAR demo so much I had to buy the full version. I even preordered it.
I loved the game immediately and it runs great on my system. But I gotta be honest. It scared the crap out of me. So much so that I was actually afriad to pick it back up after play through the first 4 Intervals.
Recently I decided to take my skirt off and give it another go. I'm really loving it once again but dang I get so creeped out at times. They did a fantastic job of scaring me with the suspense. Just when I start to feel comfortable that I've seen the last clone trooper for a while something throws a body through a window right in front of me.
I hate the game and love it at the same time. :shock:
Well, when I bought that game I actually hated all things horror. But for some reason, FEAR didn't freak me out as much as I was anticipating. I never found myself hesitant to go into the next room or see what made that box fall over. In fact, I found myself running and gunning most of the game, xD.
LOL I have to say though...two parts that I specifically remember freaking me out (totally wasn't expecting it moments, whereas I usually do expect those moments):
1. That part where you mentioned...you're walking down that corridor and that body flies out of the glass into the wall. Although my body never really moved I felt as if I'd touched the ceiling :p
2. I can't remember exactly where, but you're going through these office cubicles and there's one specific one where you turn the corner and you briefly see her crawling out of the darkness at you, then she disappears. Nothing really special, but I wasn't anticipating that. :P
FEAR is a very enjoyable title. Can't wait for the new expansion pack, let alone FEAR 2 (lets pray that FEAR 2's multiplayer is much better than that of the first ;))
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