I just picked up Mass Effect and was just wondering, does the game suffer from graphical glitches? I have the game completely maxed out and it runs perfectly, but have noticed a a few things that seem out of place. During one of the earliest cutscenes I noticed the shadows around my characters head/neck seemed really screwed up, hard to explain ....you could tell they were shadows but looked very low res and out of place. During my first mission on a cutscene I noticed one of my teammates bodies *almost* vanishing (head/arms were still there) for a split second.
I just started the game and though it's not a huge deal (so far), I was just wondering if anybody else noticed anything weird like this while playing? I should mention that I'm playing in windowed mode right now because I'm also working on other things, so hopefully maybe its just some minor glitches while windowed.
Anyways, back to playing :)
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