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I don't think I am. I've never been a huge fan of BioWare, and I have many other roleplaying games (which I suspect are all much better) still to play.
The hwole securom thing doesn't bother me at all - ME just doesn't strike me as so good a game.
And what might those RPGs be, my... goood... friend.... *Must. Resist. Strangling....*
I don't think I am. I've never been a huge fan of BioWare, and I have many other roleplaying games (which I suspect are all much better) still to play.
The hwole securom thing doesn't bother me at all - ME just doesn't strike me as so good a game.
you just need to give it a chance.. i thought it would be just a big space battle game but it turned out to be soooo much better.
best RPG based on a sci-fi world imo.
two more days til we FINELY get the latest and greatest Bioware game, whos buying it?! pollLTZH
Not until Bioware actually puts our ONE good game.
[QUOTE="fatshodan"]I don't think I am. I've never been a huge fan of BioWare, and I have many other roleplaying games (which I suspect are all much better) still to play.
The hwole securom thing doesn't bother me at all - ME just doesn't strike me as so good a game.
And what might those RPGs be, my... goood... friend.... *Must. Resist. Strangling....*
Fallout 2 - I want to marry Fallout, but I've never been able to get into Fallout 2. Just didn't suck me in... but I imagine it will be great once it gets going.
Arcanum - Troika > BioWare.
Baldur's Gate II - I BSODed right at the start and decided never to bother playing it ever again! But I do plan on...
Knights of the Old Republic - I don't like BioWare and I don't like Star Wars but, uh... I'm not sure where I'm going with this.
If I enjoy KotoR, I'll also want to play KotoR II, I imagine.
I don't own Vampire the Masquerade Redemption, but I keep meaning to buy it.
Besides the KotoRs, I think everything on this list is better than ME. Quite a lot better.
two more days til we FINELY get the latest and greatest Bioware gameLTZH
*starts to shake uncontrollably with excitement*
[QUOTE="fatshodan"]I don't think I am. I've never been a huge fan of BioWare, and I have many other roleplaying games (which I suspect are all much better) still to play.
The hwole securom thing doesn't bother me at all - ME just doesn't strike me as so good a game.
And what might those RPGs be, my... goood... friend.... *Must. Resist. Strangling....*
[QUOTE="artur79"][QUOTE="fatshodan"]I don't think I am. I've never been a huge fan of BioWare, and I have many other roleplaying games (which I suspect are all much better) still to play.
The hwole securom thing doesn't bother me at all - ME just doesn't strike me as so good a game.
And what might those RPGs be, my... goood... friend.... *Must. Resist. Strangling....*
Fallout 2 - I want to marry Fallout, but I've never been able to get into Fallout 2. Just didn't suck me in... but I imagine it will be great once it gets going.
Arcanum - Troika > BioWare.
Baldur's Gate II - I BSODed right at the start and decided never to bother playing it ever again! But I do plan on...
Knights of the Old Republic - I don't like BioWare and I don't like Star Wars but, uh... I'm not sure where I'm going with this.
If I enjoy KotoR, I'll also want to play KotoR II, I imagine.
I don't own Vampire the Masquerade Redemption, but I keep meaning to buy it.
Besides the KotoRs, I think everything on this list is better than ME. Quite a lot better.
I love Vampire: Bloodlines, but I have to say that Bioware games are better. Well, not Jade Empire....
Fallout is a bit overrated by the community imho. Never got into that game. Still want to finish it someday, but I doubt I'll ever bother.
Never played Redemption.
You said it yourself: you love sci fi, a good story and good dialog. I see those as strong reasons to get the game. The game isn't perfect (although some of the crappy things are dealt with in the PC version), but the things it DOES get right are pure awesomeness.
But by all means, play Kotor first. It's a better game overall.
Its among the best rpgs out there but its not my favorite.
My personal list:
1. Vampire Bloodlines
2. Kotor 1
3. Mass Effect
Mass Effect i played on the 360, had a lot of fun, but while replaying kotor 1 again, kotor just seems to be bigger and better story. I know mass effect has a lot of planets, but its basicly the same you do on them, find some minerals, go into a bunker with almost the same textures on them everywhere :) And shoot something. The main missions in mass effects arent very big compared to kotor 1, and in kotor 1 you have a lot of great side missions. There werent that many great side missions in mass effect i think. Vampire bloodlines wins for me because it had the best atmosphere, world you walked around in, it didnt have any quests that i found bad, and ive played the game over 4 times now :)
Plus, in kotor you could talk to your party members almost everywhere, in mass effect its mostly just on the ship. Not to mention the tedious elevator rides in mass effect, but maybe they have shortened them on the pc.
A story-driven space saga by BioWare which addressed pretty much all the complaints of the 360 version - and with free additional content? What do you think?
[QUOTE="the_ChEeSe_mAn2"]If the controls and graphics handle well, then I will probably buy it.LTZHBioware has focused most of thier energy on those two things.
Exactly :)
If they nail those, its a purchase for me.
[QUOTE="artur79"][QUOTE="fatshodan"]I don't think I am. I've never been a huge fan of BioWare, and I have many other roleplaying games (which I suspect are all much better) still to play.
The hwole securom thing doesn't bother me at all - ME just doesn't strike me as so good a game.
And what might those RPGs be, my... goood... friend.... *Must. Resist. Strangling....*
Fallout 2 - I want to marry Fallout, but I've never been able to get into Fallout 2. Just didn't suck me in... but I imagine it will be great once it gets going.
Arcanum - Troika > BioWare.
Baldur's Gate II - I BSODed right at the start and decided never to bother playing it ever again! But I do plan on...
Knights of the Old Republic - I don't like BioWare and I don't like Star Wars but, uh... I'm not sure where I'm going with this.
If I enjoy KotoR, I'll also want to play KotoR II, I imagine.
I don't own Vampire the Masquerade Redemption, but I keep meaning to buy it.
Besides the KotoRs, I think everything on this list is better than ME. Quite a lot better.
You just compared some RPGs you have never even played to Bioware RPGs you have never even played and came to a conclusion that they are better than Bioware's games. WoW. Great logic
Fallout 2 - I want to marry Fallout, but I've never been able to get into Fallout 2. Just didn't suck me in... but I imagine it will be great once it gets going.
Arcanum - Troika > BioWare.
Baldur's Gate II - I BSODed right at the start and decided never to bother playing it ever again! But I do plan on...
Knights of the Old Republic - I don't like BioWare and I don't like Star Wars but, uh... I'm not sure where I'm going with this.
If I enjoy KotoR, I'll also want to play KotoR II, I imagine.
I don't own Vampire the Masquerade Redemption, but I keep meaning to buy it.
Besides the KotoRs, I think everything on this list is better than ME. Quite a lot better.
Mass Effect is better than every RPG on that list and IMO best RPG ever (though I highly recommend you play KOTOR first, though I liked ME more 'cos it's very cinematc like MGS which is IMO best game ever)
Mass Effect > KOTOR 1 > The Witcher > Vampire - Bloodlines > Fallout 2 > Baldur's gate 2 > KOTOR 2 > Vampire - Repemption
And BioWare >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arcanum - Troika
And you've only finished like 2 RPGs so you know NOTHING about RPGs
You just compared some RPGs you have never even played to Bioware RPGs you have never even played and came to a conclusion that they are better than Bioware's games. WoW. Great logic
:lol: Totally right
maybe, but I will need to read more review about the story, character... Because so far I have a bad feeling when I read that all the "alien" speak with north-american accent, make no sense to me lol...Franko_3
They've got a universal translator. And it doesn't have to be english, in the german version they speak in german, in the italian one they speak in italian etc.
[QUOTE="fatshodan"]Fallout 2 - I want to marry Fallout, but I've never been able to get into Fallout 2. Just didn't suck me in... but I imagine it will be great once it gets going.
Arcanum - Troika > BioWare.
Baldur's Gate II - I BSODed right at the start and decided never to bother playing it ever again! But I do plan on...
Knights of the Old Republic - I don't like BioWare and I don't like Star Wars but, uh... I'm not sure where I'm going with this.
If I enjoy KotoR, I'll also want to play KotoR II, I imagine.
I don't own Vampire the Masquerade Redemption, but I keep meaning to buy it.
Besides the KotoRs, I think everything on this list is better than ME. Quite a lot better.
Mass Effect is better than every RPG on that list and IMO best RPG ever (though I highly recommend you play KOTOR first, though I liked ME more 'cos it's very cinematc like MGS which is IMO best game ever)
Mass Effect > KOTOR 1 > The Witcher > Vampire - Bloodlines > Fallout 2 > Baldur's gate 2 > KOTOR 2 > Vampire - Repemption
And BioWare >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arcanum - Troika
And you've only finished like 2 RPGs so you know NOTHING about RPGs
Firstly, I don't value your opinion. We have very different tastes. And while you seem to struggle to grasp the concept - taste is all this is. There's no right and there's no wrong. You enjoy BioWare games - good for you. I don't. You above list means nothing to anyone but yourself. Secondly, which two RPGs have I finished? Because I can assure you the number is far greater than 2.
Thirdly, I would argue that a person can fully grasp a genre after playing just one game - especially if it is a game which truly defines the genre. Besides, I can judge Baldur's Gate 2 with my experiences with BG1, and I played enough of KotoR to weigh up the roleplaying mechanics of both Kotor 1 and 2. I've also played enough of Fallout 2 and Arcanum to fully understand and appreciate how the games work. I just haven't finished them.
Games like Bloodlines and Fallout contain much, much more actual roleplaying than most BioWare games. In most BioWare games, your class determines how you fight your enemy - and that's it. In The Troika games, your class determines how and if you fight your enemy.
In Bloodlines, for instance, experience isn't earned for killing enemies - only for completing quests. What this means is that you can play a bona fide stealth class, who will literally not fight enemies (except on rare occasions). That is real roleplaying.
Games I've played by BioWare are laughably constricting compared with games like Fallout, where just one quest, for example, can be completed in over six different ways depending on a large number of variables.
BioWare games are decent, but there's not all that much roleplaying in them. It's just different forms of combat.
maybe, but I will need to read more review about the story, character... Because so far I have a bad feeling when I read that all the "alien" speak with north-american accent, make no sense to me lol...Franko_3
Its ok. Its all explained in the codex. Humans use translaters
Well, given the track record for 360 to PC ports from every developer, I'm going to wait a bit until a compatibility/bug-patch comes out so I don't sit around with a game that refuses to run repsectably on my average-spec rig.
Been waiting on ME for awhile, so I will get it eventually at any rate.
[QUOTE="fatshodan"][QUOTE="artur79"][QUOTE="fatshodan"]I don't think I am. I've never been a huge fan of BioWare, and I have many other roleplaying games (which I suspect are all much better) still to play.
The hwole securom thing doesn't bother me at all - ME just doesn't strike me as so good a game.
And what might those RPGs be, my... goood... friend.... *Must. Resist. Strangling....*
Fallout 2 - I want to marry Fallout, but I've never been able to get into Fallout 2. Just didn't suck me in... but I imagine it will be great once it gets going.
Arcanum - Troika > BioWare.
Baldur's Gate II - I BSODed right at the start and decided never to bother playing it ever again! But I do plan on...
Knights of the Old Republic - I don't like BioWare and I don't like Star Wars but, uh... I'm not sure where I'm going with this.
If I enjoy KotoR, I'll also want to play KotoR II, I imagine.
I don't own Vampire the Masquerade Redemption, but I keep meaning to buy it.
Besides the KotoRs, I think everything on this list is better than ME. Quite a lot better.
You just compared some RPGs you have never even played to Bioware RPGs you have never even played and came to a conclusion that they are better than Bioware's games. WoW. Great logic
It's kind of hilarious how he never played them but said they're better, though I'd agree that he's right. :D ME is fun and pretty, but kind of repetitive (the mission planets are awesome, the sideplanets are a snorefest). the conversation system is a wash.. the actual conversations don't match BG2 or Fallout (or KOTOR or Bloodlines)'s level of variety or sheer awesome, but the way the conversation system works is awesome. the thing that kept me going in the game was the dialogue and wondering what comes next, simply put. fatshodan, if you've never been able to get into fallout, you're dead inside. that is all. you also left out planescape, another black isle game. troika.. it's hard to tell. they were a lot of ex-Black Isle people that subsequently went to Obsidian, but they were screwed hard by bad relationships with publishers. stuff like ToEE could have been so much more awesome given time and polish, but they never had a chance. in the end, they went out of business because nobody bought their games though.Why do people want to buy it on Steam, but not otherwise? Is it because of the DRM? If it is, fine. If it's not, then I don't really understand the logic behind that.artur79i like steam and the way it works - and part of steam's benefit is having a single unified program where you can collect all of your games in one place. i've re-bought games like Titan Quest on steam even though i still have the boxes right behind me - just so i can have them on steam too. and ea's downloader service sucks. balls. large ones.
[QUOTE="artur79"]Why do people want to buy it on Steam, but not otherwise? Is it because of the DRM? If it is, fine. If it's not, then I don't really understand the logic behind that.Makarii like steam and the way it works - and part of steam's benefit is having a single unified program where you can collect all of your games in one place. i've re-bought games like Titan Quest on steam even though i still have the boxes right behind me - just so i can have them on steam too. and ea's downloader service sucks. balls. large ones.
Wow, you love Steam that much, huh? I don't think I'd ever do a thing like that...
i like steam and the way it works - and part of steam's benefit is having a single unified program where you can collect all of your games in one place. i've re-bought games like Titan Quest on steam even though i still have the boxes right behind me - just so i can have them on steam too. and ea's downloader service sucks. balls. large ones.[QUOTE="Makari"][QUOTE="artur79"]Why do people want to buy it on Steam, but not otherwise? Is it because of the DRM? If it is, fine. If it's not, then I don't really understand the logic behind that.artur79
Wow, you love Steam that much, huh? I don't think I'd ever do a thing like that...
it was only $20 for the game + expansion on steam :P ditto for CoH + OF @ $40, it's a good price. i'm thinking about getting the civ4 pack with BTS + Warlords too. i'm pretty sure steam's not going anywhere ever, and it'd be nice to not need the discs + cdkeys ever again (though CoH's odd securom thing removed the need for the disc in drive).[QUOTE="artur79"]i like steam and the way it works - and part of steam's benefit is having a single unified program where you can collect all of your games in one place. i've re-bought games like Titan Quest on steam even though i still have the boxes right behind me - just so i can have them on steam too. and ea's downloader service sucks. balls. large ones.[QUOTE="Makari"][QUOTE="artur79"]Why do people want to buy it on Steam, but not otherwise? Is it because of the DRM? If it is, fine. If it's not, then I don't really understand the logic behind that.Makari
Wow, you love Steam that much, huh? I don't think I'd ever do a thing like that...
it was only $20 for the game + expansion on steam :P ditto for CoH + OF @ $40, it's a good price. i'm thinking about getting the civ4 pack with BTS + Warlords too. i'm pretty sure steam's not going anywhere ever, and it'd be nice to not need the discs + cdkeys ever again (though CoH's odd securom thing removed the need for the disc in drive).I'd rather use that money on other games, new movies, tasty food or drinks out with friends. But that's just me, I guess.
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