games on steam are usually much cheaper and easier to get on steam. Not to mention not having to worry about all the security bull ****Lilgunney612
Agreed that they're easier to get but disagree that they're usually much cheaper than a physical copy. Sometimes there are awesome sales like when they were selling Two Worlds for $10. I missed out on that unfortunately. I bought it via Steam for $40 & Best Buy was selling it for $30.
I'll compare some Steam prices with Amazon mainly because I use Amazon to buy a lot of stuff. Amazon offers free shipping on orders over $25 for the most part.
Assassin's Creed on Steam is $49.99, though it's currently on sale until the 29th for $39.99. It's $41.99 on Amazon.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on Steam is $49.99 but on sale for $39.99 until the 29th. It's $29.99 on Amazon, regular price apparently.
Call of Dooty 4 is $49.99 on Steam & $39.99 on Amazon.
BioShock is $29.99 on Steam & $27.99 on Amazon.
Civilization IV is $29.99 on Steam & $24.99 on Amazon.
Company of Heroes is $19.99 on Steam & Amazon.
Painkiller Gold is $9.99 on Steam & Amazon.
Call of Duty Warchest is $39.99 on Steam & $29.99 on Amazon.
Titan Quest Gold is $19.99 on Steam & Amazon.
Two Worlds is $39.99 on Steam & $33.99 on Amazon.
LTZH, thanks for the link to the IGN Review, mang 8)
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