That's a video driver error, I'm guessing you have a Nvidia card and are using old drivers. As in before the 182.06's. In which case update your drivers to 182.06 or above, should allow the game to run. If this is with the newest drivers then I guess Nvidia broke them again for that game, In which case you're going to have to go driver hunting, as in finding an old driver that will work with the game.... I can just say that going back further than 182.06 will have that GPF error, unless you go way back to the 178.13 and below.... I used to use the 169.21's for that game, the 178.13 worked, too, but for me the 169.21 were more stable. Anyway my card is an old 8600GT, newer cards won't be able to work with such an old driver. And the 182.06's were just as stable as the 169.21's so there is no real reason to go further than the 182.06's, anyway.
Regardless, give this a read.... whole thread is about the GPF (General Protection Fault)... As in they were asking us for help and they later abandoned it because Nvidia released drivers of where the game would work... and a patch was never released to fix the problem with any of the previous drivers. (edit: hmm at the end of that thread the problem seemed to reintroduce itself, and Windows7 users have no older drivers to fall back on.... oh well. Guess, duel boot with WinXP is the only option, in that case.)
This is where/when I first saw them say driver 182.06 fixes the GPF problem and basicly when they abandoned a patch for it.... and as it happened the drivers after 182.06 worked fine, too. I haven't played Mass Effect in about a year, so I have no idea if the GPF error is back (edit: looks like it is, though.).... but going back to 182.06 or the ones after that should allow the game to run. Well, on Vista and WinXP, anyway...
My handle over there was/is Threesixtyci... here's a post that I made about the subject.... about 9 posts down. Hmm, seems that the 182.08's is what worked for me, not the .06's.... (.06's only worked in Window mode for me, at the time....) but whatever.... point I was making is that it depends on the the nvidia drivers.
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