After all they did, we better not get any QQ-ing from PC gamers. Seriously. 35GB? Holy **** Max. I already pre-ordered it and looking forward to it when it releases.Elann2008
While I agree for the most part, seems like they really are trying for the pc version...
If the game comes out broken, or poorly optimized, or something for actual release, then the complaining would be justified.
Though I actually think they might be doing pretty good with the optimization, just a feeling I have, along with a feeling I have for C&C:G2, I think it will look great, and run great at the same time. COH2 I know will look great, but I think it won't run quite as smooth.
Max Payne 3 looks good from what I have seen in the commercials (graphics wise), PC will look a tad better than those, lets hope you can keep 60fps with the hardware they have mentioned at 1080p, with MAXED OUT SETTINGS. If so, then it could be one of the most optimized titles for pc we have seen in quite a long time. :D
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