you see i dont understand this bad rerp the 8600 gts gets. its not the beset card in the world, by any means, but it can RUN ANY GAME OUT. probably will be able to for a while.
Plus, it can run em at a decent (1024x768 or 12x10) at med/high, except for some newer games which would be at low-med.
Its not that bad (probably around equal to a console GPU)
it all depends on what kind of gaming you do some people that say its a bad card are those extreme overclockers and extreme gamers that want to be getting like 80-100FRAPS at full settings those are the people who think its crap me my self i started off with a compaq and a GeForce5200 PCI so you can imagine what it felt like when i build my first computer with an 8600GT it was like paradise now with my second build i've included an 9600GT and im going to be happy with this setup for the next 3years at least
my rig-antec ninehundred,core 2 duo@3.33Ghz,asus striker mobo,2GB DDR2 OC gold edition,WD 750GB@7500rpm,9600GT,G15,G11,
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