Just saw the E3 footage and I have to say that I'm totally hyped. I thought the idea was going to suck and the interview I saw with the team worried me - but the gameplay footage certainly delivered.
EDIT: You can see the E3 Footage Here.
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Just saw the E3 footage and I have to say that I'm totally hyped. I thought the idea was going to suck and the interview I saw with the team worried me - but the gameplay footage certainly delivered.
EDIT: You can see the E3 Footage Here.
Not really that interested to be honest the Metal Gear Solid games have never interested me even when they did port them to the PC.
Yeah, looking forward to it. Played through the series since MGS1, but haven't played MGS4. I think I read that Rising takes place between 2 and 4? So I'm fortunate enough.
Trailer looked good. Just hope they maintain the stealth elements from the previous games.
Added the link to my original post.stealth fan so definitely intrigued. link to any recent footage anyone?
Not hyped at all, it looks like another beat em up devil may cry clone and reminds nothing of metal gear series, ofcourse its too early to tell but Hideo has a limited involment on this one. If its a beat em up game without stealth, cutscenes and interactivity with your enemies, then i honestly dont give a damn. If its like the previous metal gear games or atleast have guns, then i am interested.dakan45Doesn't look like a beat em up at all. Looks much different.
The aim of this game isn't stealth. It even has a new subtitle. Nor is it supposed to be the new direction for Metal Gear Solid. It's supposed to be a switch-up. While Hideo works on the next MGS, they release this. While Hideo releases the new MGS - they'll be working on the next Rising. Or at least that's what I got out of the interview.How? All i see is Raiden running and cutting arms and legs when enemy squads are shooting him, thats not metal gear, he wouldn't be able to run and cut them to pieces.
Not hyped at all, it looks like another beat em up devil may cry clone and reminds nothing of metal gear series, ofcourse its too early to tell but Hideo has a limited involment on this one. If its a beat em up game without stealth, cutscenes and interactivity with your enemies, then i honestly dont give a damn. If its like the previous metal gear games or atleast have guns, then i am interested.dakan45It looks nothing like Devil May Cry... It is nowhere near as fluid, or combo focussed. It looks like Afro Samurai if anything.
[QUOTE="dakan45"]The aim of this game isn't stealth. It even has a new subtitle. Nor is it supposed to be the new direction for Metal Gear Solid. It's supposed to be a switch-up. While Hideo works on the next MGS, they release this. While Hideo releases the new MGS - they'll be working on the next Rising. Or at least that's what I got out of the interview. Exactly and thats why i dont care, its nothing like the previous games, hell if it was we would have seen cutscenes instead of gameplay in E3.How? All i see is Raiden running and cutting arms and legs when enemy squads are shooting him, thats not metal gear, he wouldn't be able to run and cut them to pieces.
i never understand the excitement in the metal gear series. i played through solid 2 and couldn't enjoy it as much as i wanted. whats funny is i actually liked that metal gear on the gameboy, that was a hot game. Rahnyc4I hated metal gear soild 2, but I liked every other game in the series. I kept getting lost in the samey looking rooms, and raiden sucked in that game storywsie.
[QUOTE="dakan45"]Not hyped at all, it looks like another beat em up devil may cry clone and reminds nothing of metal gear series, ofcourse its too early to tell but Hideo has a limited involment on this one. If its a beat em up game without stealth, cutscenes and interactivity with your enemies, then i honestly dont give a damn. If its like the previous metal gear games or atleast have guns, then i am interested.kieranb2000It looks nothing like Devil May Cry... It is nowhere near as fluid, or combo focussed. It looks like Afro Samurai if anything. My point was "insert dmc clone game here" To me it looks like a slow ninja blade.
[QUOTE="kieranb2000"][QUOTE="dakan45"]Not hyped at all, it looks like another beat em up devil may cry clone and reminds nothing of metal gear series, ofcourse its too early to tell but Hideo has a limited involment on this one. If its a beat em up game without stealth, cutscenes and interactivity with your enemies, then i honestly dont give a damn. If its like the previous metal gear games or atleast have guns, then i am interested.dakan45It looks nothing like Devil May Cry... It is nowhere near as fluid, or combo focussed. It looks like Afro Samurai if anything. My point was "insert dmc clone game here" To me it looks like a slow ninja blade. And like I said, your point was wrong since it looks nothing like DMC, and so therefore can't be considered a "DMC Clone" You may want to go look up what the word "Clone" means.
it does have stealth but they said it would be more like hunting than hiding.
but i think it will be good, the cutting mechanic looks pretty good.
i do hope they make another gamebased aroundsnake in the future though, who knows he might even be in this one at some point.
Why not? Its on the x360 too and it looks like more of a multiplatform game with a wide audience. In other words dont expect anything like mgs4.dakan45MGS4 wasn't that great anyways. This could be much more interesting.
[QUOTE="dakan45"]Why not? Its on the x360 too and it looks like more of a multiplatform game with a wide audience. In other words dont expect anything like mgs4.KHAndAnimeMGS4 wasn't that great anyways. This could be much more interesting. Nope, this one is a simplier version of metal gear in hack and slah mode. It lacs the stroy and the interaction mgs4 had. I wont be able to buy and sell guns or use explosives and magazines to distract the guards, basicly it lacks the interaction of metal gear and its a hack and slash game.
Not hyped at all, it looks like another beat em up devil may cry clone and reminds nothing of metal gear series, ofcourse its too early to tell but Hideo has a limited involment on this one. If its a beat em up game without stealth, cutscenes and interactivity with your enemies, then i honestly dont give a damn. If its like the previous metal gear games or atleast have guns, then i am interested.dakan45
it will still have a stealth element. And I know wI heard there will be guns somewhere.
If its somewhat like mgs2 then ok, but so far it looks like it took a completly diffirent direction.dakan45
Arent you over reacting just a tiny bit because we only saw like a few seconds of gameplay?
[QUOTE="dakan45"]If its somewhat like mgs2 then ok, but so far it looks like it took a completly diffirent direction.TheShadowLord07
Arent you over reacting just a tiny bit because we only saw like a few seconds of gameplay?
Well it depends on what they want to show, in the previous titles that Kojima had a big role in development, they showed cutscenes mostly and stealth, not swordfights.meh , the new Metal Gear should be a First Person game with stealth elements on PC (or at least an option included to play the game in First Person).
personally i don"T like third-person games very much.
btw. i still like metal gear peace-walker on psp though.
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