I think Microsoft know exactly what they are doing with the gaming market. If you look at how the Xbox is doing worldwide it isn't "great" news for Microsoft. Sure the Xbox is still fairly dominant in the US but that is about it. The Xbox has quite literally died in Japan and in Europe (which is oddly known as Sony land) whilst it hasn't died it has now been overtaken by the PS3. This is why there has been an abrupt change in MS's attitude to Xbox exclusives coming to the PC.
Microsoft know and they are on record as saying that if they release a game on the xbox 360 and PC then they shoot themselves in the foot because apparently people would prefer the PC version over the xbox 360 version. This is obviously not the kind of thing they want in the PC's heartland which is Europe and Asia (oh look the two territories where the xbox is failing). So Microsoft quite literally see the PC as a direct competitor to them and they are now treating the PC as if it is another console.
Now you may think "but MS has such a strong stake in the PC with it's OS why would they do that ?" Well MS has a monopoly on the PC there is very little chance of MS losing that monopoly any time soon. In fact I would confidently say that if MS closed their operating system off to games completely it wouldn't even cause a blimp on sales of their OS (and they know it). The only reason why MS hasn't done it is because whilst they are not interested in PC gaming they don't want to give any other company the opportunity to give it a go.
Unfortunately this means any game that is exclusive to the xbox 360 and where Microsoft has a say in matters will now stay exclusive to the Xbox 360. In short MS will sell PC gaming down the river in order to gain any advantage it can get having this little scrap with Sony. It is kinda laughable to think that this year we will see more support from Sony on the PC platform than we will see from MS.
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