Skyward20 your trying so hard to convince people like this game, and won't accept others opinions on it. I love BioWare and liked DA:O but the simple truth is the DA2 does look a lot worse than the original. All that I have seen is a dumbed down version of the first game.
And I honestly feel that the reviews for the game won't be what you are expecting and the game will score between 7.5 and 8.
I gave you a preview of the game made by a critic who actually has played the game for five hours straight... and IGN has been reliable for me.Some artists/creators consistently release good works that meet a certain standard of quality during their time. I'm not saying that BioWare can't make a bad game or that we should solely have expectations of a game based on previous accomplishments -- just that we shouldn't jump to conclusions when MANY previews actually said the combat will be very similar for Dragon Age 2, ignore all the evidence and be surprised if the game is actually decent.
It's very possible for humans to fail and it's quite possible for BioWare to release a 'bad game', but between Dragon Age, Mass Effect and the Old Republic, I don't expect BioWare to fail when it seems to be reaching the height of its career ( at least for me ).
I know not everyone may actually like BioWare and what it's doing now, but for everyone that liked BioWare's more recent works ( Kotor, Dragon Age, Mass Effect ), I don't expect them to be disappointed.
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