Some games are popular and idolized, but really not so great. So what games that get a lot of attention you don't find to be all that good?
Here are my picks:
Batman archam asylum and city - the games have great graphics, atmosphere and a decent story. But the two elements that make the majority of the gameplay - jumping and combat are both simplistic and rather limited. For instance you can't push or pull someone from rooftops which makes it not as fun as it could have been. In general combat is all about clicking one button and batman does the rest of the job himself, sure you can counter the attacks (when an icon indicating that the opponent is about to strike flashes) and use some of your gadgets, but it doesn't quite change things dramatically. The jumping suffers from the simplification of modern games - all you need to do is run towards the edge and hold space, what happened to prince of Persia type of jumping?
(sorry if I wrote something untrue, since I only completed the archam asylum and I couldn't bring myself to finish city)
Assassins creed - can I go as far as to say that I honestly think that the main idea of the story is simply dumb? I don't feel that old but maybe I don't understand what people these days find interesting. For me, the idea of a guy being captured and forced to go back to ancient times, because he is an assassin and 95% of gameplay is in the ancient times feels unnecessary complicated and just silly. Like imagine if we had the same story of Forest Gump but he was also a robot? Or in the end of The Shawshank Redemption when camera pans out,we would find out that everything we saw took place on Mars. Also the elements of the gameplay really didn't impress me.
Call of duty series - the first few instalments were exciting, but now they have a new game coming in such a short time it all feel rushed and without fresh ideas.
The Sims series - do I really need to tell why?
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