Hi. I just upgraded my gpu from Msi8800GTX to Sapphire HD4890 (overclock to 925/1050). I found out that certain games performances were reducedDRASTICALLY after the upgrade. Games like Crysis was very playable (rarely fall below 30fps on 8800) will nose dive to the fps 20s on 4890 frequently and lots of stutter. GTA4 also suffer similar performance degradation (lower minimum fps and stuttering a lot). Recently release of Fuel performed worse on 4890.Of course some games improves like World at war, Farcry 2, SF4...I just wonder if some of you who upgraded to 4890 from 8800gtx shares similiar performance degradations. Overall I think that minimum framerates on 8800GTX are higher and smoother than hd4890.(My cpu q6600 2.4Ghz and 4rams windows xp32bit) After the upgrade, I realised that 8800gtx is really a great card (smoother experience overall than 4890 on 1440*900res). (My theory is that games of a cpu intensive nature perform worse on 4890 than 8800gtx.)
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