[QUOTE="fireandcloud"]actually, she doesn't mention dd. she mentions online games like wow. and then she mentions non-retail sales. but she doesn't ever mention 'direct download' or 'steam.' my point was that she doesn't give a comprehensive report and analyze the state of pc gaming at all clearly and throws out figures that are misleading to support her theory that pc gaming is dying. there's really no point in nitpicking about what i wrote as long as you get the gist.
'direct downloads' and 'steam' are non-retail sales. So in mentioning non-retail sales, she mentions steam and DD as well as every other form of non-retail sales currently propelling the pc game industry. To name each individually isn't the point of the article.
As you said, she doesn't give a comprehensive report. If you read the entire article you'll notice that she doesnt lean in either direction. The question "Is Pc gaming dying" is asked, and then evidence is provided in support of the statement as well as against it. So you are mistaken again on her theory. She provides ample evidence for both sides of the argument. If anything, her article is pointless because it's the same rehash that news outlets post every few years.
But the article is neutral. You were successfully trolled by the original poster. He cut out the controversial bits without posting the rebuttals, and you (alogn with most people in this thread) ate it hook, line and sinker
i feel like such a tool! you have shown me the error of my ways!
that was sarcasm, btw.
by saying non-retail sales and not specifying what that entails (it sounds almost like she's talking about subscription fees for mmos, cuz she mentions it only in passing right after talking about mmos; and non-pc gamers won't even understand what that means; they'll think it means like sales on ebay) and not even mentioning how dd and steam are fast on the rise and making up the difference shows that the article is not neutral. the reviewer is probably not biased. she probably doesn't have much of a clue. she just heard something along the lines of 'pc gaming is dying' and she threw out some stats that were biased and in the end wrote an article that wasn't neutral even one bit.
'ample evidence for both sides of the argument.' eh? what's the ample evidence? quoting one person who thinks that non-retail sales are bigger than retail sales? talking about the sims and wow and casual games dominating the pc market? any competent reporter on this subject matter would have tried to get in touch with direct2drive or steam and gotten a quote from them (at the very least). or at least covered the many, many games that are pc exclusive and not made it seem like mmos and casual games are all there's to pc gaming these days. you really should go back and re-read the article. it's nowhere near neutral as you seem to think it is.
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