[QUOTE="neatfeatguy"]There's something seriously wrong with you. I don't let my wife install programs on my computer without me checking things out first. Years ago I kind of let her have free reign to do as she wanted....big mistake. I had to battle it out with viruses due to her checking random emails and clicking on the damn links for things in myspace/facebook and crap-ass sites like that. She's not allowed to do anything more than check her email (not allowed to open ones on my computer that she doesn't know who they're from, she can turn on her laptop if she wants to open them), she's not allowed to download or install anything without my permission. She used to check my email for me while I was out, but with spam emails, she'd just open them up and I'd have to work on killing out viruses.....so I had to change my email password because she wouldn't stop opening every damn email that popped up in my inbox after I told her not to. If she wants a computer where she can do what she wants on it, I'll build her something cheap that'll handle all her needs (she doesn't game so a fairly cheap build would suit her needs fine)....but she seems content with how I handle things. It's MY computer, not her's. She's got a laptop (although it's a Mac - ick!) so she can do most of her crap there if she really wants to follow links and download junk. You've got too much trust in your girl not to royally screw something up on your account and/or computer. If your girl runs your account from a different IP than you do, you're breaking the user agreement rules on Steam and they can ban your account, so be careful if this is the situation. You cannot share accounts. Just a friendly piece of advice on your Steam account usage.True_Sounds
My girlfriends always on my laptop streaming tvshows or just browsing. Maybe your wife is a technology idiot, or you need better anti-virus protection? :/
Also, steam doesn't ban for multiple ip logins, even at the same time. I shared my account with a friend over the summer, never had any trouble, except the annoyances of him playing online when I wanted to play online at the same time.
She's just used to her crappy Mac's, no one out there cares enough to code viruses for Macs that matters to the standard population. She uses Macs only at work with her graphic design job and her laptop at home for any freelance work or if she has to work from home....other then using my computer for email, she hardly touches a PC.
As for your comment about Steam not caring, well, maybe they come off as that way....but it clearly states in the Steam EULA, part 2 (Licenses), section E (restriction) that you are not allowed to share accounts. Maybe you could educate yourself on the EULA for Steam if you happened to read it. So, like I said before, I was only offering some friendly advise because at any one time Steam might say "Ban!" and close your account.
So, here is a link to the Steam EULA so you can read up on it if you every so desire to.
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