Oh and here's one..
"This is my *house*. Do you want to know a *secret*? Do not *think* it too *not campers*.
You are so many *lonely* *juicy* *bubbles*. It is so sad.
Now that you are *campers* you will have more *parties*
and no more *sad* *lonely* *bubbles*.
This is the *secret*."
I really don't know, but I've always heard Beneath a Steel Sky's dialogue had lots of halting voice-acting that sounded awkward and annoying. Could it be that? Totally guessing here.
Na. A good deal older than Beneath a Steel Sky. Here's a bit more from the same conversation:
Na. A good deal older than Beneath a Steel Sky. Here's a bit more from the same conversation:
Who are you? What can you tell us about yourselves?
Who are you? You are not Orz! We are Orz! Orz are happy *people energy* from the outside.
Inside is good. So much good that Orz will always *germinate*.
Can you come together with Orz for *parties*?
Okay, right. Uh... maybe you could tell me why you are here.
Here is *bright* and *smooth*. The other place is *hurt* Orz too much tired for keeping together.
Other place is **Frumple**. Orz are here now, but almost not yet.
Soon Orz are really here! You are help Orz with *parties*.
Orz looking for you, and find you. So much joy!!
Now *smooth* place all the time, and after now never going back to outside.
Hello to our *house*. Do you feel *better* yet?
If you are *campers* you will enjoy *the change*, but maybe not yet.
It is best if many happy Orz are coming to your *house*.
Let's *spitting* the fun words for several *pieces* and then surprising things!!!
This is my *house*. Do you want to know a *secret*? Do not *think* it too *not campers*.
You are so many *lonely* *juicy* *bubbles*. It is so sad.
Now that you are *campers* you will have more *parties*
and no more *sad* *lonely* *bubbles*.
This is the *secret*.
Happy to come to my *house* some more times. I am Orz.
I do not have the name because I am Orz. Orz is the name.
Do you want to *squirt*?
If you want to, then you do. It is best, I know it.
Oh, the *alliance party* *campers* are in the *now space*.
It is *happy spices*. Why are you there?
Of course because also the Orz are in the *now space*.
So I am waiting for you to *spit*. It is a pleasure.
*Campers* like to say `hello' when they *smell* the Orz.
We have learned this. It is *no function* but Orz want to make *campers* happy everyday.
Okay... Hello!! Now you are happy I am sure.
I am *expanding!* It is so much *squishy* to *smell* you!
*Campers* are the best! I have *anticipation* and then what?
Better parties in *the middle* for sure.
Uh... hi there. Nice to see you again... I think.
That is *funny*. You think you *see* Orz but Orz are not *light reflections*.
Maybe you think Orz are *many bubbles* too. It is such a joke.
Orz are not *many bubbles* like *campers*. Orz are just Orz.
I am Orz. I am one with many *fingers*.
My *fingers* reach through into *heavy space* and you *see* *Orz bubbles*
but it is really *fingers*.
Maybe you do not even *smell*? That is sad.
*Smelling* *pretty colors* is the best *game*.
Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.
Hello! I will say again for extra enjoyment. So much a fun game.
Hello! Hello! Next I will *spit* *slow time* words to you for better *dancing*.
Do you know? Orz can *dance* very well.
Now you are a *happy camper* and Orz can make *heavy space* ships for *dancing*.
Orz ships have the *GO! GO!*. Do you know?
These are best for letting go near *heavy space* planet bodies.
Then *GO! GO!* can going fastest to enter ships of the *other*.
Then it is *happy time*.
Even more *pleasant combinations*. I am *successful* the most.
Perhaps after the biggest *party* you will understanding the Orz
and I can showing you other *levels*.
There are so many, but you only *play* on this one.
One is not enough.
We are *friends* now. Never be afraid to *open* enough and *spread the wax*.
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