Hello all, I recently got my hands on a used 7900gs from a friend who got the 8800gtx. He was too lazy to sell his used videocard and just gave it to me. Now I am looking to build a temp system as cheaply as possible just to put this card to use. I would like to hear some opinions to see if these specs is good enough to not bottleneck this wicked videocard.
- AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+ (65W) Dual-Core Socket AM2, 1.9GHz, 512KB x2 L2 Cache, 2000MHz HT, 65nm
- Crucial Rendition 1GB DDR2 667 (x2 for a total of 2GB)
- Foxconn 6100M2MA-RS2H Socket AM2 GeForce 6100 Chipset Dual Channel DDR2 533/667 Integrated nVidia Video Sound Lan SATA PCI-Express Graphics Slot Micro-ATX
- Some generic case with a generic PSU (400w+ perhaps) that will cost me
I Choose a motherboard with on-board video so I can possibily give the 7900gs to another gamer (who plays older games) when this cheapo systems becomes a websurfer/movie watcher.
Any and all comments welcome. Thanks for your time.
Edit: changed ram configeration to 2x 1gb
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