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First of all, no offense to Kilrim, but your english is beyond horrendous. I mean... seriously "o trollish sheeple" , "fanboyish" "duoply" ????? seriously, this is not a Lord Of The Rings forum, so please write more linear and keep the hobbit phrases to yourself. tyvm. Other than that, I'll agree with your take on us pc folks being duped. Second of all, I'm amazed that I can run Starcraft 2 with my AMD Athlon 64 6000+ 3.2ghz dual core and a 8800GT on medium[ish] settings, but APPARENTLY, a racing game where resources should not even be demanding can't even pull me 40 fps in free roam driving. Can't play multiplayer cause my framerate consists between 15 to 27 fps. Not even turning off all the 'High textures' and all that crap doesn't make a dent on performance. So yes, the game is terribly terribly optimized. People with their core i5's/Phenom II's are too shallow to see since they already have good rigs, but us folks who aren't using the latest hardware are the ones that get slapped and take the toll. Stop defending the game when you know you don't know squat. Black Ops apparently has the same problem afaik. RevD_Crack
Attacking a foreigner who have learned english by himself with no real courses, both makes you an idiot and flatters me, for if you thought that I was an english native person who had bad grammar, it is for me a victory, really. Thanks for making my day! And yes, trolish sheep, or sheeple. That accounts for 90% of the people who comment in here. But hey, they might not even have reached their 12 years of life yet, so I guess I should not be so mean to them.
Duopoly is a known word for those who know a little about economy. So there you prove to be ignoRANT yet again. And the fact that you know what happens in a "Lord of the Rings Forum" is also telling a lot about yourself.
Well, the rest of your post in which you agree with me is not worth commenting, just wanted you to know that attacking people's english over the internet can backfire so bad at you,,, I hope you are fluent in two other languages as well.
[QUOTE="RevD_Crack"]First of all, no offense to Kilrim, but your english is beyond horrendous. I mean... seriously "o trollish sheeple" , "fanboyish" "duoply" ????? seriously, this is not a Lord Of The Rings forum, so please write more linear and keep the hobbit phrases to yourself. tyvm. Other than that, I'll agree with your take on us pc folks being duped. Second of all, I'm amazed that I can run Starcraft 2 with my AMD Athlon 64 6000+ 3.2ghz dual core and a 8800GT on medium[ish] settings, but APPARENTLY, a racing game where resources should not even be demanding can't even pull me 40 fps in free roam driving. Can't play multiplayer cause my framerate consists between 15 to 27 fps. Not even turning off all the 'High textures' and all that crap doesn't make a dent on performance. So yes, the game is terribly terribly optimized. People with their core i5's/Phenom II's are too shallow to see since they already have good rigs, but us folks who aren't using the latest hardware are the ones that get slapped and take the toll. Stop defending the game when you know you don't know squat. Black Ops apparently has the same problem afaik. gigatrainerNot going to argue on your points, but first you argue about his grammar and then say "tyvm"? Sorry, won't count. And for OP, the game on my PC runs like butter(Q9550 with HD5850), yes I am on a far higher end PC. On my sister's PC(E4500 2.2GHz and 9800GTX+) the game runs fine, averages at 35FPS and drops at minimum to 20-25FPS during heavy moments(Collisions, flying cars etc), running at 1440 x 900 and rest at high(whatever I can set). But Dirt 2 is made by Codemasters, Hot Pursuit is made by EA :P, there will be unoptimizations, you can't expect one game to run smooth and other game to have the same level of optimization especially since it was ported over. It is not heavily unoptimized so to say, GTA IV wins the crown for that. Maybe some future patches will fix this one, I'd say hold on to this game.
Thanks for the details, and yes GTAIV was the greatest crap of all time, but lets remember the almost equal b.s. from EA on Shift. The obvious lobby by nvidia to dumb down the performance of ATI cards.. Do you remember? AMD even came to public in an unprecedented scandal and said it was lobby from nvidia with EA... They released a patch after almost 2 months and the game started to run flawlessly, like a dream for me. I smell lobby again if it ran like that on your sis' rig. Mine would be better and has the same performance, but I guess the minimum here is lower than 20FPS, which makes me mad.
Probably they will release a patch optimizing the game after many idiots buy new hardware. Wanna bet? :)
I was going to argue, but then you called me a trollish sheeple... Ill go back and play fallout new vegas, dead rising 2, lost planet 2, batman arkham asylum, dirt 2, metro 2033 (dont even try to compare it to the console version), Just Cause 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Bioshock 2, Risen, Divinity 2, Medal of Honor, Black Ops (runs great for pretty much everyone who didnt pirate it), Borderlands, Darksiders, Dead Space, Mirrors Edge, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, Gothic 4, Prince of Persia, Assassins Creed 2, and some pc exclusives...
Heck Ill even play the new need for speed you whiners probably all pirated.
I was gonna debunk you again, but you did make such a big fool of yourself with the above post that I can't possibly add anything to it. Thanks!
lol "bud" the hell his CPU is the problem? If you dont know what you talk about please dont bother to ain't helpingIts your CPU bud
Dude.....the reason why mainly games are programmed first for console is because of piracy. Its our own fault. You talk about F1? But only about grafix......the games itself sucks big time when it comes to realistics. yes, driving with all help off with an logitech G25 wheel is awesome but thats all, rulez are wrong, cpu dont do a mandotay pits stop etc etc. When AMD (ATI doesnt excists anymore.....) and Nvidia are nagging us, as you think, why would they bother to make nice, fast and very expensive gfx cards? That would be a waste of time, moeny and resources. I think you see ghosts which are not there.Gaming companies and the GFX duopoly (nvidia and amd) and CPU duopoly (intel and amd) are working together as to hinder performance on pc games so the consoles wont get too outshined, because these consoles own the far bigger slice on the gaming market.
You dont have to be a genius to see pc users are being duped since quite a long time. They are always pushing us into new technologies that we are not able to use right away. This is bad, real bad, I hope for a patch after one month because by then many retards would have bitten the bait by buying new generation cards and CPUs. And then they can stop pretending our pcs are not good enough to run this way average game graphics wise and unlock more resources use for us.
And did you buy all those games? =;-) BTW...I bought nfs today in the shop.... Ill go back and play fallout new vegas, dead rising 2, lost planet 2, batman arkham asylum, dirt 2, metro 2033 (dont even try to compare it to the console version), Just Cause 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Bioshock 2, Risen, Divinity 2, Medal of Honor, Black Ops (runs great for pretty much everyone who didnt pirate it), Borderlands, Darksiders, Dead Space, Mirrors Edge, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, Gothic 4, Prince of Persia, Assassins Creed 2, and some pc exclusives...
Heck Ill even play the new need for speed you whiners probably all pirated.
I recently was fiddling with a bunch of settings to see if I could stop getting the BSOD whenever I would watch flash videos. One of the settings that I disabled was PhysX GPU acceleration.
I did not realize PhysX GPU acceleration was disabled; I attempted to play Need for Speed Hot Pursuit (2010). The game played choppy at certain points so I went on the net to look for answers. Unable to find an answer and thinking of uninstalling it I suddenly remembered, I recently turned off PhysX GPU acceleration.
Once I enabling PhysX GPU acceleration, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit (2010) seem to play a little bit better!.?! This game needs a patch.
My system:
GIGABYTE GA-P35-DS3L rev. v2.0 LGA 775 Intel P35
Intel Pentium E2200 Allendale 2.2GHz LGA 775 Dual-Core
A-DATA 2GB 240-Pin SDRAM DDR2 800
XFX nVidia GeForce 9800 GT 512mb
Wrong; you don't meet the recommended specs and barely meet the minimum specs. You shouldn't have bothered to buy this on an outdated system, regardless of the engine, so stop whining about it:
The recommended is barely any better than mine.
2.7ghz cpu vs 3.0ghz.
They should not even have the minimum requirements then.
Why should I have not bothered to buy it when it says I could run it and it is a console game.
The console cpus are much weaker.
My system can play most games near max or max settings.
Are you saying a computer that is around 3 times the power of a console shouldn't be able to run a console game?
well i have a 9800gt... and a core 2 duo (2.83ghz or sumthing).....and i completely agree with u on this......jus gettn 18 - 20 fps on maxed out settings.....wat can i say....never trust the words of an EA fanboy.....and Gamespot has tons of em.....remember godfather 2???? lolz ;)......Fraps is ok, maybe not exact fps but allways close to it... I also have very low fps in this game...Somehow it seems to me that this game has a solid framerate. I'm pretty confident that fraps does not show the real framerate for all games.
Not bad for the old 8800gts, 30 fps at worse while running 1680x1050. Seems to be the Cpu. My friend's laptop gets choppy too with gtx260m w/core2duo. Still cant force aa/af even thru nvidiainspector :( maybe someone on here can tell me how.
[QUOTE="TerrorRizzing"]And did you buy all those games? =;-) BTW...I bought nfs today in the shop either me or my buddies, should check out my steam list..... Ill go back and play fallout new vegas, dead rising 2, lost planet 2, batman arkham asylum, dirt 2, metro 2033 (dont even try to compare it to the console version), Just Cause 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Bioshock 2, Risen, Divinity 2, Medal of Honor, Black Ops (runs great for pretty much everyone who didnt pirate it), Borderlands, Darksiders, Dead Space, Mirrors Edge, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, Gothic 4, Prince of Persia, Assassins Creed 2, and some pc exclusives...
Heck Ill even play the new need for speed you whiners probably all pirated.
I agree with op his computer might not be cutting edge but its more than good enough including the cpu especially for this game. Its clearly hasn't been ported very well imo.
Explains why there wasn't a pc demo compared to the consoles. People with quad core processors are having to disable two of their cores because they are getting crashes, the game is missing weather effects like rain how did that get past. My dual core processor doesn't seem to even make use of both cores properly so people with exceeding requirements are having to tune back and specs like mine aren't even making full use of the power.
You look at the requirements its easy to spot it has not been optimised and not because this game needs it. These kinda of minimum/recommended specs I usually see from ubisoft games(track history) when they port to the pc. The graphics aren't the best compared to other racing games and even the damage physics aren't extensive. Its already been stated but people that can play games like crysis, metro 2033, dirt 2 calibre etc. on very high settings shouldn't be struggling anywhere near, I can even run modded gta iv better and gta iv whilst was unoptimised to begin with its still has lot more going on in it .
Criterion revealed that a patch for the PC version of the game will be forthcoming early next week.
i applied the patch yesterday and i am still having problems with my dual core intel processor. According to the various sides minimum requirements are dual core1.8. This means that the game can be played with low graphics but with no lag. the game seems to lag for me and i have a dual core e6600 2.4 8800gts 640mb card, win xp/sp3 and 3gb ram.
all other new games i can play them with maximum graphics (except metro 2033)
i believe that thisis a problem within the game. hopefully they will fix it.
Hello friends,
I'm a lil new here and feel quite nervous while talking among the geeks present here...but still I thought I should share sum xperience on the PC gaming world and ask u guys wht do u think abt my thoughts...thanx for ur patience in advance :)
I'm using PC since 1999 and playing games since then (:P), I have seen HDD capacities in MBs, and have used 16 MB EDO RAMs. Presently my PC Specs are:
Intel Core2Duo E8400 3 GHz, nvidia geforce GTX 260, 4gb DDR2 RAM, 320 GB SATA HDD, and using Vista Ultimate.
In those days the prince of persia tht came out with shader support was a craze (POP: Sands of Time)...and I was dying to play it...but alas, it only supported 'FX' cards, and I had geforce 4 MX. Worldwide there were software 'emulators' out in the net for just 'fooling' the PC to believe an MX card to b FX... ;) I spent LOTSA time on this too, just to play the damn game...and then...I bought a FX card...and surrendered to the market demands...
Halo was out on PC, and I luckily had the proper rig to try it out...and it was a dream...was in fact dying to see the sequel. It came out in time and I bought it...on the box was written "VISTA only"...worldwide once again ppl started finding ways to 'fool' the PC (and most of the times fooling themselves :P) to believe Win XP to be vista (XP was the last perfect OS that I njoyed working on anyways)...but all in vain...finally I installed vista...and surrendered to the market demands...
Now, this grafix cards market has come to a saturation...Directx 11 with things like tessalation and all is the latest fad...with nvidia churning out new series of cards everyday having higher power (and much higher costs :P) but the curve has got horizontal on the 'eye candy' department. Well I bet many ppl (mostly budget gamers like me...having limited money to spend on luxuries like gaming... :P) r still using dual core AMD/Intel processors and 8800 series/GTX 200 series grafix cards. The game devs are presently not asking for higher cards as 'minimum specs' as they simply does not have better 'jargons' to offer to the public for coaxing them to buy those (remember 'Directx 10 only' cards tht promised unified shader model or sum crap like tht!) now the duty shifts to CPUs.
The game engine that gave same (or better) level of eye candies in DiRT 2/GRID (and running smooth with so called 'older' CPUs like above) now cannot be used for latest games like NFS:HP2 (even for the crappy grafix that it offers)...simply coz then ppl wont buy the new processors...their excuse: the new game engines use more CPU power (as compared to earlier ones)...but then the question is: where is the corresponding better visuals...? With same visuals to offer why change the grafix engines...?
The answer is simple...they want me to surrender to the market demands...yet again...Those of you who r lucky (in terms of money) can and will shift to better cards/processors as they come out, but just ask urself, is it worth the the gaming industry/game devs offering us anything better (as compared to older titles) in return for their ongoing and relentless demands of buying new hardware...?
Like all others, the gaming business has and will xpand...and we've seen a radical change in the way it has from the past...but the expansion should be at a healthy pace isnt it...? or else the lesser mortal gamers (like me) will one day have to stop surrendering and left with 2 options: quit gaming or become a pirate... :(
U guys may not agree with all I've said...but ur opinions would be valuable and plz feel free to give them...
lolI read the first page and hit reply but wow, TS take it easy man ... just turn down the settings are you will be fine.
And if you want to complain that hard about the performance of your pc just build a new one... however I can tell by your comments you are probably in high school (maybe not even that).
I am playing it with a phenom II 945, 4gigs of DDR2 800mhz ram, and a gtx570 (No AA) max at 1080p, and I still get slow downs (not bad, like in the high 40s some times). If I turn on the AA up to 8x I hardly see a difference in performance.
The performance is far from Stellar, but it isn't horrible. Easily playable (for me) looks pretty too, it was also a fun game, if I say so myself.
The game just wasn't ported that well.
I am having AMD Athlon X2 dual core processor 4200+ 2.20 GHZ and I just changed my Graphics card from Geforce 8400 gs to Geforce GTS 450. But NFS Hot Pursuit 2010 is running worse than Geforce 8400 gs when i installed Geforce GTS 450 . What is happening i don't know. Please tell me the solutionrohangt1
You may want to re-install the drivers, a gts450 smacks around an 8400gs.
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