FedEx will treat you like something they found on the bottom of their shoe. But the quality of their service is worth every penny. Kinda like Verizon. Very large, stong, and fast network that you can count on working, but the worst customer service and every little thing demands a premium price tag. But to give an example of UPS service vs FedEX take a gander.
This was back when I worked for UnidtedHelath Group. I had overnighted a rush build I did of 2? (close to 30 but cat remember the exact number) notebooks to our HQ in China. We used UPS and we of course insured all our packages. UPS managed to lose the entire thing. Each notebook was insured for about $3500 and a few were special and had a $5k plan on them. Total ammount that UPS owed us was over 100k for the loss. They refused to pay. Said it required an investagation and it could take at least 3 months just to get the ball rolling. Meanwhile we had to cover our own loss, rebuild all of them over night (menaing I worked 4 days without sleep on this project) and for some stupid reason used UPS again. This time they got their, but they somehow managed to take 4 days on a overnight global shipment that we paid out the nose for.
Now lets look at a similar problem when I worked for a company called Heidelberg. We used FedEx. Our facility was so large that we had a FedEx depot (no joke) inside out shipping department that ran 24/7. We also had a train track going thorough the middle of our showroom floor to move our giant printing presses for display. That should give some clue as to how much product we moved on a daily basis. So I was on a team that had to deliver a "package" of notebboks and desktops for a new office opening in S. America (cant remeber where exactly). About a week before it opened we were to ship all the systems plus extras (as backup units) for the new office building. FedEx lost the whole thing. Last I head they had no idea what happened to any of it. Just vanished into thin air. Total cost was way over a quater million bucks. They only thing that made it down there were the servers and two of them were crushed. So did they give us any problems about it. No. They cut us a check in less then 48 hours and sent an executive down to tell the IT depratment how sorry they were. They even offered to pay for extra contractors to get the job done on time. On top of that, they refunded our shipping price, and used one of thier palnes for our entire shipment and only ours. Now that is service and well worth the pirce you pay for. Of course, if you ever have to go to a FedEx depot in person they look at you and treat you like crap. They really dont ever want to deal with anybody if they dont have too. Just angry, unhappy people. But damn if they arent dependable.
Now newegg has really improved on their RMA's and problem shipments in the past two years, but they still have some issues. They do all their returns or problems via a nonflexable que. Dealing with a server rack mount type UPS (the battery backup device not the shipper ^_^) that only had a limited time on a big rebate (and the rebate was $200 so nothing to sneeze at), I had ended up with a DOA and and had to return it. I have free access to UPS shipping (family business thing) so I did a red lable (overnight with priority), to get it to newegg on time. That was that morning. They had it in CA that night and I live in Georgia. So you think that they would have shipped me out a new one the next day. Nope. It stayed in the que for a week and a half. 10 days! They could care less if you get it to them the second you get your RMA. It goes in a que and they dont get to it until they are ready. By the time they finaly got a new one out to me I had 1 day to get the rebate in. That was cutting it real close. Newegg really needs to work on certain things like this, but I also dont think its a priority thing for them as how often is that really a probel? But hey, the egg at the best place to shop either. Use site like pricewatch to keep an eye out for good deals. The egg is very convenient as they have such a large selection of common, cunsumer hardware and they tend to offer it at a reasonable price. So wit hall of that and one shipping charge, its common to just treat it as a one stop shopping spot. But with a bit of leg work you can save money, even after multiple shipping cahrges with other retailers than only the egg.
Just thought I'd say that those shipping nightmares I wrote about happend almost a decade ago. They just happen to be my best UPS vs FedEx stories. ^_^
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