More and more new Ultrabooks are having higher res displays as options, while Airs are stuck in low-res area for the next year. Computex most new ultrabooks shown were 1080p. THere are even some ultrabooks with discrete gpu incoming.Keyboard? Macbooks air use run of the mill chicklets, not any better than standard ones used in majority of ultrabooks and vastly inferior to one you can find in Thinkpad X1 carbon. Price? Ultrabooks are still cheaper than Airs, if only by a little. Built quality of them is excellent most of the time. The only thing Airs still excell at compared to others is trackpad, but even that gap is getting smaller and smaller
Bassicaly there's nothing special about Macbooks air anymore, they let other companies catch up and surpass them. It's not that Airs are bad, they're still will be excellent ultrabooks. But a year ago they untouchable in ultrabook market, while now they won't be a top dog anymore.
Not to mention considering how exciting the ultrabooks are getting now with the whole hybrids insanity, Air just seem plain boring. Altough of course it doesn't translate to their usabilityAdrianWerner
Guess I haven't really been paying attention to Computex, but I don't recall hearing about any of the smaller-spec ultrabooks getting much better hardware than the Airs, just the larger 14"+ spec.
They may just be run of the mill chiclets, but between my experiences and what ultrabook reviews I've read they sure as hell are a lot nicer to type on (granted, I'm sure the Thinkpad would be better). Pricing wise I haven't seen anything that really beats the Air in an apples-to-apples comparison -- usually you end up with either a comparable price or something like a hybrid drive or hideous display. Build quality is definitely better than standard laptop fare, but again between my experience and reviews it lags Apple.
I guess the difference is (and again, maybe I've just missed all the exciting new stuff) that while ultrabooks collectively may have the features to beat the Air line, individually no one ever puts all the pieces together (at least, not until the Zenbook Primes launch and get Windows 8's scaling). Everyone manages to screw up one element or another -- they'll get there eventually, but as things stand they're not there yet.
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