Packaging is still a big pet peeve of mine. I don't buy a whole lot from retail anymore, but some fairly recent ones came in boxes that are like 2 DvDs thick, all for 1 or 2 DvDs, it's just a waste of space.
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Packaging is still a big pet peeve of mine. I don't buy a whole lot from retail anymore, but some fairly recent ones came in boxes that are like 2 DvDs thick, all for 1 or 2 DvDs, it's just a waste of space.
Everything used to be higher quality.
I remember when vinyl records used to come with poster art, and a large concert book, with photos of the band on tour, lyrics to all the songs, and bios on all the band members.
I feel sorry for kids today - they're getting ripped off - and don't even know it.
Very true. Those were the days. And double albums, yowzer!
There's actually still a game at my Wal-Mart in one of those cases, Sanity's Requiem or something? Anyway, it's been sitting there for about 7 years and it's still on the shelf. I think I should get it
EDIT: It's 'Sanity: Aiken's Artifact'
These are the only big box titles I own. I had a few others back in the day, but these were much more recently acquired at a used book store. The biggest box I have is my copy of Bioshock 2 Special Edition lol.
Wow, I found my SimCity 2000 manual the other day and just sat down to read it... I miss manuals that were something you could read :(
These are the only big box titles I own. I had a few others back in the day, but these were much more recently acquired at a used book store. The biggest box I have is my copy of Bioshock 2 Special Edition lol.mouthforbathory
Anybody remember Starsiege? The packaging wasn't huge, but it contained one book with full story of the universe you're playing in, background and everything, and then another gigantic book with detailed information about all the weapons, mechs, engines, etc.
Man the EU version of the Witcher looks nice! We US people just get an overstuffed DVD case! =[spiderman120988It was a very rare find, and turned out to be the English equivalent of the Polish Limited Collectors Edition or something like that. Very few copies were made, and none were actually available for sale. I just got lucky finding one second hand in a store that didn't know what it had :) I also have the Enhanced Edition which came in a more conventional box, but also very thick due to containing multiple DVDs, strategy guide and artwook books.
I certainly do remember them.
I had so many of them... I threw most of them away a little while ago and put the CDs in a wallet and the manuals in a folder. They just took up FAR too much room.
But I do still have these two:
Good times.
I see your Deus Ex, and raise you a GOTY edition.
ill see your Deus Ex GOTY Edition and raise you a Half-Life GOTY :D
I loved the oversized boxes that would have the game and then a few other odds and ends in them. The good news is, they are still made. When I went to Berlin in Germany, in an electronics store they were selling PC games out of the old-style boxes, brand new. So at least they live on in some parts of the world.
Here are some of mine. Let's see if anyone remembers these :P
i have the same Swat 3 :)
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